20 October, 2024

Tarot Card of the Month: November 2024, The Page of Cups


                              Romance, Imagination, Fantasy, Intellect, Emotions

Can you believe it, it's almost November already and the cold weather in the northern hemisphere will be begun already. In the southern hemisphere it is warming up and rain is back on the radar.

The charming Page of Cups greets us with his youthfulness, pride and a romantic heart this month. He may be a tad naïve at times but that is part of his charm. He is a dreamy sort of chap and likes to please others with his charm.  He gases at the cup in his hand and notices the fish popping up to surprise him. 

That little fishy though alludes to the sign of Pisces which is the ruler of the 12 house of the zodiac and also ruled by the planet Neptune. Keep an eye on that Neptune energy though. While it all seems dreamy and romantic, there are other powers involved. 

Neptune is famous for its illusionary abilities, so the Page must keep himself grounded in reality and common sense. Not letting his heart rule his head, which is often the case with youthful inexperience.

This card is a gentle reminder for everyone for the month of November. It is advisable to examine things in a cool and collective manner, remaining detached from the issue rather than let our emotions rule our heads. Please heed this warning as there is a higher chance of being gullible this month in all forms of communication, that includes the written or printed word. So be careful about what you read and take as the truth. Remember the highly deceptive power of the planet Neptune.

Expect more news connected with water, the seas, oceans and lakes etc. Neptune rules liquids of all sorts and liquid comes in 3 forms, ice, steam (fog, vapour)  and liquid. Maritime issues will be prominent all November. As will drug and alcohol issues and unfortunately mental health issues. 

Bear in mind the Super full moon is on Friday 15th November. This full moon is called the Beaver full moon, and it will be quite large. Let's hope it is a cloudless night so we get a good look at it.

The  energy is transcendental so change is afoot big time. Try to avoid political issues as they tend to be inflammatory at present. We will see more Naval and military conflicts on and around water in November. Drownings as possible at sea and in water in general, so please do not take risks and be extremely careful. 

Romance is in the air in November along with engagements and births, how lovely is that. 

I do feel that people engaging in spiritual practices need to be very careful, please be mindful not to get swept up in cults or taken in by charlatans and false or misleading teachings. It may be worthwhile doing a bit or research on the subject and also listen to your own intuition. What sits with one person may not sit right with you. Read reviews on spiritual philosophy  and stick with the well respected authors or you may well be disappointed or led in the wrong direction. Only to have to do a backtrack in your spiritual beliefs and studies. I have been there myself and learned to be more discerning. 

Please stay safe wherever you live in this world and take care of your loved ones.

Blessings and warm and fuzzy hugs



I have been unsure if I was going to be doing predictions this year because my husband has been gravely ill and was in and out of hospital o...