15 August, 2022

Dreaming of a memorial service for the victims of the Atomic bomb

 Early this morning I had a rather strange dream. It was supposedly in Canberra but absolutely nothing like this city actually looks like. I saw myself in some sort of church with many people attending a memorial service dedicated to all the people that were killed and wounded in Japan when the atomic bombs were dropped. The weather looked winter and grey and the buildings all looked grey too. 

I have never seen a dream like this before and it had a deep effect on me. I noticed my mother was with me and we were with other women kneeling down on the floor with our heads bowed just like how Muslims men pray. But this was only one select group of us praying this way, everyone else was sitting in pews. I saw a black and white film like a news reel of old, playing on a big screen at the front of this church or public building  and a man in the film talking about commemorating the atomic bomb victims. 

Next we got up and left the building talking about the event. Suddenly there was a need to get to the US embassy in town to pass on a message. A man and lady had given us instructions to pass on. There was something about reporting a spy or agent in danger to the American embassy, they needed help, there was  a bit of confusion as to where the embassy was and who to pass on a message to. The woman agent  was connected to blood for some reason but not in a medical sense she was not a nurse and this did not have a medical feeling to her, it more like danger.  She was a special agent like the man was. I would put their ages as in their 30’s and in clothes of the era. 

We tried to give her name to the embassy because she was in danger, and then I was told that she didn’t work in the main building, she was working with blood so she was in a different building next to where we had been. And  the guard was not interested in helping. I have no idea what this is about; but it felt serious as in biological warfare or prevention of  an act of violence as in warfare. One thing that stood out was this dream was  it was in black and white quiet a bit. My dreams are always in full colour. Funnily enough this weekend doing readings I was seeing people in spirit in black and white too, like looking at old photos. 

This dream though was just so unusual and I am still trying to figure it out and I have gaps in remembering what else happened. Tonight though I happened to see the national news and they mentioned a service for the end of the war in the pacific and Japan signing a peace treaty. That just seemed like only one small aspect of my dream, I would say not just was I praying for all those that died or were injured, but something is afoot. As I was trying to prevent something from happening as in an act of violence or terrorism/war. 

The man in the dream was dressed in a suit of the Second World War era too. But I could not keep an eye on him, he disappeared somewhere and it was left to my mother and me to convey the message to the US embassy quickly. We stopped in a supermarket first, as one does, lol. Then taking a shopping trolley we pushed it up a big hilly street like the ones San Francisco is famous for to get to the US embassy. Then cross a road to a big  office block. Which is absolutely nothing like the real US embassy in Canberra and we do not have huge streets going up hill in Canberra either. 

Anyway after  being told the woman did not work in that particular building we turned around and pushed the shopping trolley back down the hill. Somehow we we’re back where we started looking for the other building. Which was actually a couple of doors down. We didn’t get to go in there but instead we were talking to people outside the church or public building that we had the memorial service in as they were all still there outside the building. 

I sure get some bizarre dreams which usually has me combing the internet for dream interpretation websites. This is just one of those dreams that leaves me absolutely stumped on it’s meaning. 

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 4 January 2025

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Q-and-A-Session-4%5EJ-2025.pdf Please read these comments carefully and you may need...