20 August, 2022

I am utterly disgusted and highly offended

 Do you go to a doctor and ask him if he is properly qualified or a solicitor or a trades person? No, of course you don't it is rude and crass. It is also downright rude, crass and ignorant to do this to me or any other professional clairvoyant, psychic or astrologer. Especially when their abilities are already openly on record in the public domain as proof of psychic abilities which are clearly demonstrated over many years of experience. 

Yet again, I have had a person make an appointment cancel and rebook, and being very indecisive of what they want and don't want. Several emails back and forth over a week or more. Just now I was asked to provide proof that I am genuine by this person. I have kept screenshots as proof also (as I always do).

To ask my authenticity after this, is ignorant and extremely offensive to me. I am sick to death of people not bothering to read everything on my website and then ask highly insulting questions. Or even how much is a reading? THE SERVICE FEES are on the damn website, Damn well scroll down and read them. Is that too hard to do people? Not just that there are a list of attachments that are sent via email or SMS to every person making an enquiry since 2006 service fees included.

If you have to ask how much the readings are after this, then you should not be having a reading, because you are clearly not really that interested. I must clarify this person did not ask about the fees, it is other people that I encounter at least once or twice a week.

I go over a persons website with a fine tooth comb to learn about them and to work out if the person is right for me should I need a reading. I don't just let anyone read for me from bad experiences, locally myself . Yes, it is very important to read information about the reader prior to a consult to get a feel for them. But then common sense and decency should kick in without insulting the Clairvoyant / Psychic/ Astrologer or even a spiritual healer  as to their abilities.

I have commented without naming any names on my blog about things that should never be told to anyone. And this is other psychics reading for me knowing full well who I am. They have told me that I would leave my husband, my husband would have an affair with an asian lady,  one of my sons would be killed in a car crash after having an argument with me at the age of 18. I was told that last one in my own home and that my dog was about to die, knowing full well that it would up set me, and I already knew my elderly dog did not have much time left because he had a heart murmur.

Don't think for one minute that I am not authentic. Don't think for one minute that I am not Clair Veritas! Psychically know when you are a liar. Don't think for one minute that I will forgive gross insult.

My psychic experiences are all over this blog, my old one and on WordPress. I have started to talk about somethings on YouTube but not the deeply personal heartaches. One does not get to be where I am without any authenticity or harsh suffering and loss.

You insult me and hurt me to the very core when you don't bother to read my credentials on my website, my biography and everything there is to read about me on social media. My personal psychic experiences and psychic predictions are an eye opener as to who I am and my honest authenticity as a human being, and individual, a parent, a wife, a grandmother and professionally. My voice shows my authenticity when you hear me on YouTube. I make no apologies for who I am; as an honest and devoutly spiritual being.

My reputation has always been of high regard and always will be because of my authenticity and my spiritual devotion. I stand in my spiritual power with dignity and devotion.

NOTE: I do not and never will give out negative, frightening or distressing information such as deaths or accidents. Any one that dose is highly irresponsible and is coming from a position of the ego out of control.


From 2015, somethings never change! Original post from my old blog showing that I transferred it to this current blog.


Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
