17 August, 2022

Norway's Prime Minister says killing of celebrity walrus Freya was 'the right decision''


Oh great, find any excuse to euthanasia the poor walrus. There is no need for this wilful destruction of an animal, suitable alternatives can always be found. Does this mean that any animal that is deemed a “safety problem or risk” will be killed? 

I though Norway was progressive and looked after wildlife. Apparently not when it comes to too much power in the hands of barbaric knuckle draggers in positions of power. What about the rest of the walrus? This is their environment being encroached upon by humans. There are many animals going extinct because of human interference and hunting. Humans are the cause of nature being imbalanced, whatever happened to peaceful coexistence? It makes me ashamed to be a human being, seeing the rich and powerful  destroying the world. All animals have rights, they are sentient souls and they have feelings. 

Normal people love animals and love to peacefully coexist with them. Yes we should be careful when interacting with them,for both our well-being, but we need to let them have the right to their natural environment without humans demanding to invade their habitats just for fun. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...