11 August, 2022

NRL icon Paul Green dead at 49


RIP dear man. Such a terrible tragedy if only he could have told someone during those critical last moments. The support and uplift that people need when life gets too much can never be underestimated. Please speak up when you are so low that you can’t see any way out of this.

I have seen one of my loved ones here many a time and part of the reason that I live in permanent fight or flight mode. Friends were thin on the ground at the critical moments  for my loved one too. That I shall never forgive. So this terrible loss has a deep meaning to me.  I don’t know the circumstances around Paul’s passing but I understand the sorrow he had. There would have been some sign, no matter how slight, but not everyone is able to detect the subtle signs. 

My heart goes out to Paul and his family at this point in time. Healing will take a long time for Paul and his family and they must be allowed the privacy to grieve out of the public eye. May Paul find the comfort and peace that he needs and his family too. 

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