12 August, 2022

'It's got to breaking point': Australians warned bulk-billing system at risk of collapse


It’s not just in Australia that’s medical system is collapsing it’s around the Western world. Crash it then privatise it. It’s all about money. I have known this was coming before I started working as a clairvoyant. 

I could feel it coming just the same as the world financial situation, these are not accidental circumstances they are deliberately done. There is no such thing as an accident, it is cause and effect, plain and simple.

Why has it taken so long for this issue to be taken seriously by the media and the public? By the public  not writing to their federal members of parliament and taking to the streets in protest against the negligence for at least three decades.  Also the federal government cannot sit back and do nothing after decades of dereliction of responsibility and giving us nothing but lip service. How much negligence and cut backs are acceptable for the public before they get angry enough to  protest? She’ll be right mate, is the typical response from Joe Public unless their loved ones have died due to an atrocious health system and indifference. 

You the public vote for the government that you want again and again yet don’t hold them accountable for this deliberately done, systematic destruction of the public health system. One or two voices out of 26 million can do nothing to get the government’s attention and a reaction. It takes everyone to stand up and demand the government to fix things. How many decades do you want to wait to see change? We are now out of time.

It’s your fault and your call Joe public, for being lazy arsed idiots for the past thirty years of negligence. You saw this happening and let it slide. Do you have any idea how long it will take to rebuild the system? Put it this way I am almost 60 and I don’t expect the system to be satisfactory until I am dying of old age in my 80’s. 

Just think what will happen in the next handful of years, war and destruction being not far off, how the hell do you think that you are going to get medical treatment if we are in a situation like Ukraine is right now. Australia can’t cope with that sort of situation, never mind Sydney being hit with a massive civil disaster with a poor road network in the inner city to move traffic freely in times of disaster. But never mind she’ll be right mate! The dumbest words ever uttered by a lazy people who are partially responsible for letting their elected government to wilfully destroy the country; election after election from the 1980’s onwards. 

Then you wonder why you can’t get in to see your doctor and blame the virus for GP’s being burned out and resigning or suiciding. No they have broken down because of a collapsing medical system that was happening long before the virus hit. That virus was the straw that broke the camel’s back and showed up the complete failure of our government to be able to run the country and not be influenced by big corporations that want them to privatise the public medical system, to please them and make them billions of dollars richer. Our lives are measured in dollars and cents and nothing more. The public health system is a clear example of that fact. But hey just keep saying, She’ll be right mate. 

When they say your loved ones keep dying because nobody stood up to fight for our public health care system and also letting down the hard working doctors and nurses that put their very lives on the line, in a deliberately failed medical system year after year. That the public feel is their right entitlement to make that doctor or nurse stay at their post until they can’t cope any longer and take their own lives. And you wonder why the GP’s are now stopping bulk billing so that they can pay the wages of their employees. 

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imj.13717 Doctor suicides.

Veterinarians are also an extremely high suicide risk in Australia at present and we have a severe shortage of them at present. It takes many years to train veterinarians and it is a lot harder to pass the training to be a vet than it is to be a GP. 

https://www.ava.com.au/member-services/vethealth/suicide/ Four times higher in risk of suicide than the rest of the population in Australia. Canberra at present has a big shortage of both GP’s and Vets. 


One vet per week. Think about that, these are the most loving people and they love every fur baby that comes to them unconditionally, and care about saving our furry loved ones. 

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