23 August, 2022

Wes Penre: Q and A Session 2 August 2022


Above is the written format, below is the video format.


Like Wes says, you need to read the Wes Penre Papers to fully understand everything he is saying. I was lucky to print off all of his books as they came out including Synthetic Supper intelligence. I do recommend people buy that book from Amazon because it has very important information in it that equates to our current situation forward. If people don’t want to learn how to avoid reincarnation then there is nothing to be done about that, it’s their call. Do not take on other people’s worries or hold yourself back because of others that won’t make an effort to help themselves. That is not helpful to anyone, our first responsibility is to ourselves at point of physical death. 

Remember many people are selfish in this world and they don’t like to see others advancing spiritually. Spiritually on this earth has a very cult like mentality and far from real spiritually. How can it be anything else in such a low vibrational frequency? Work on yourself without getting involved with what new age spirituality is encouraging, that is a road to nowhere other than back into the same false light. 

I don’t even bother trying to explain this to anyone these days. They tend to think they know it all or know better than me. Knock yourself out then if you know it all, it’s free will. 

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