25 August, 2022

Tarot card of the month: September 2022, The Knight of Swords


Planet: Uranus     Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius 
                                          Element: Air         Gender: Male

Welcome to TCOM for September, this is a month that always goes fast and the end of another year on the horizon. This card points to fast moving action. The wind is blowing and the clouds are parting, the trees are being blowen in an easterly direction. Which implies coming from the west and fast. The knight of swords is rushing head long into conflict.

Notice the young knight is tooled up for action or a fight, heading forward into battle, this can be foolish and naïve on his part though. Has he been informed of all the facts? Or does he just dive on in without thinking through the consequences? Notice the knight is heading in a westerly direction too from the east. This implies male aggression driving this aggressive energy.

The knight has his visor up on his helmet so that he can see clearly what lies in front of him such as an enemy or opponent. His sword is raised in an ungloved hand, as in the saying the gloves are off. However the other hand is gloved as he grips the horses reigns firmly. On his helmet is a red feather plume blowing in the wind implies a fast thinking mind, feathers are an aspect of the element air. The knight's red cape blowing in the wind and he is wearing a full suit of armor including the gauntlet  (glove) on his left hand. The cape implies secrecy, protection, silence and also withdrawal and pride.

Gloves can conceal or hold in, they a can be a symbol of power, nobility or a craftsman that has to protect his hands from injury. The sword is in his right hand again that is male dominance and aggression. The sword in hand also covers defending, authority, sweeping action and power.

The ground beneath his horse changes from red to yellow this could imply the knight is going into another country, over a border. The colours remind me of DEFCON  1 to 5. These being going from DEFCON 3  to 2 moving west, bringing conflict to the west.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEFCON Basically this card is showing us the east is facing off to the west and it is gaining momentum. We are currently at DEFCON 4.

Now what I see are countries in conflict, Russia, Ukraine, Crimea obviously, I also feel other European countries being dragged under the wheels of this conflict as the months roll on. This is NATO/EU countries that sat back and watched are now gradually getting dragged under the wheels of unwanted conflict. This conflict is picking up speed as we head into autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere. Putin is moving into high gear, but in the mean time  financial issues are getting worse. 

Finland needs to be very cautious from here on in and perhaps Latvia. Add Pakistan in another conflict that is simmering with India and Bangladesh and China. 

As I look at the card I am drawn to the butterflies on the horses reigns, butterflies are symbolic of transformation, usually spiritually but I would say this is a transformation of Europe. Remember in one other TCOM, I mentioned the map of Europe is being redrawn as we speak? This is yet another warning to us that this transformation is happening right now. I notice the colours of Ukraine are in this card again 

Now keep an eye on Clause Schwab from here on in. This is a serious issue as he along with his World Economic Forum (WE) are playing a dangerous game. People are being distracted away from watching him and the WEF as they try to implement draconian measures. This is a critical situation that the public as well as governments may be distracted from by the media. This is a big mistake because these are not good not honest intentions being planned. People must keep an eye on the WEF constantly because they are, as many people are fully aware trying to force all of us into a one world government. Reduce our rights, our incomes and life savings. While they get even richer and clearly profiting from this abuse and outright theft of our money. This will also leave nations poorer and dropping western living standards drastically. 

More revelations about vaccines come to light and the urgent push to force us into taking these toxic experiments. Prepare to see further push backs against this but also the counter pushing of this evil agenda. 

Money and unemployment are hot topics in September as is war and new military technology being rolled out in the news. Also what it will cost  nations to gear up for war. War puts nations into debt as well as ordinary people as we know. Only manufacturers and international banks make profit from blood. 

More food crisis is indicated for September as the Northern hemisphere heads towards autumn and winter. The southern hemisphere heads into spring and summer there could be rain and possible flooding or damage to crops, But by December I feel that will be the tail end of this weather pattern. Things will brighten up in December in warm countries like Australia for crop growing.

I see Cherries in summer but they wont be cheap. Alcohol prices will go up twice  before December  to cover transport costs and crop loss. I don't see priced going down for a while if they actually do go down.  I feel sweeping new laws and changes. Keep an eye on China at this time too with regards to law changes and more harsh control. 

More violence and crime is indicated in regards to youth crime and violence. Knife attacks are more common and carelessness, reckless crime and violence including cars being stolen, used in crimes including ramming police, which is the latest  popular violence against police and must be dealt with severely. Poor judgment and hot tempers in September and parents need to step up more in a pro active way. Teaching children right from wrong and the consequences of their actions.

These out of control kids need to be steered away from crime and violence and gang culture. The buck stops with parental responsibility and accountability starting in the formative years onwards.

I hear October, we need to stay vigilant for something bad happening in October too. I don't like the feeling of this so be very careful.

Note: The symbolism here are taken from 21 ways to read a tarot card by Mary Greer.

Update: Out of control young men, mass stabbing in Canada.😭


Dublin Ireland, children stabbed to death 😭



 Flooding in Wee Waa northern NSW.


Putin announces partial military mobilisation. Not good, but he has been pushed into this by the west. It’s a proxy war. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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