23 August, 2022

Scottish word of the day: Skiddling in the sink

 Scottish children loved to play in the kitchen sink with water and cups and anything that held water when I was small. Which was referred to as skiddling, in English it means splashing about.  Hours of fun for the little ankle biter’s 🤣🤣 


Interesting Scottish dictionary on line too. I looked up the Scottish word Skelf, which means a splinter. 


https://www.dsl.ac.uk/results/%22Slitter%20%22  Slitter, to spill or drip something on yourself, such as spilling soup down the front of your clothes. 

Words through the ages do change in spelling and also meaning. People my age group notice younger people starting to use words in a different context or meaning often, sometimes through misunderstanding or picking up words from American culture and not knowing the origin of the words. 

I tried to bring my children up to be familiar with Scottish words in use today as well as older words that are still in use from my region of Scotland. I did pick up Doric which is spoken in the east coast of Scotland in the mid 70’s, because I spent three years on the east coast of Scotland near Edinburgh. I just love language and origins of words. 

Even in Australia we have words that have derived from the British Isles, Ireland and Europe. Australia has its own slang which is funny and unique on top of that. Most people would be familiar with the slang words like Arvo, meaning afternoon. An O is often tacked on to the end of words in Australia. Smoko is your break time at work in Australia again you see the O tacked on at the end. 

Scottish language is quite different though because it is more anglicised in modern times, but the dropping of the letter G is common like the word skidding, becomes skiddlin’. It’s a fun language where Scottish people can joke,  with using a mix of Scottish and English words and the pronouncement of the words. I don’t know of other countries where that can be done. It’s kind of our own in house humour and how fast we speak too. I guess diction is  one of the things that makes it funny to us Scotts. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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