15 August, 2022

Spiritual cleansing in the shower

 This is what I do every day when I have a shower, it is something that anyone can do to stop any negative energy building up in the etheric field. 

I am cleansing my entire body and my entire aura, removing all dis-ease, evil and negativity from my entire body and entire aura. Cleansing my entire body and entire aura and removing all dis-ease evil and negativity. Washing it away down the drain to be transmuted and returned to mother earth. By my will so may it be, and it is so.

I say this three times as this is important when dealing with spiritual energy, as in third time 's the charm, the trinity and three levels of consciousness. Water carries very powerful energy as does our intent. Most metaphysical and spiritual  practitioner's are able to tune in to spirit in the shower or near water because humans are 70% water. Not just does water carry an energy signature and it is a spiritual energy amplifier. This is why some people need to be at the beach or around water to feel energised and grounded.

 It is common for mediums to hear spirit when we are having a shower many psychic people tune themselves in to spirit in the shower each day. But this can cause a problem for other family members and really you should not do this if other people in the house have to share the same shower because it can make the other people dizzy and have unpleasant effects. 

Best to just stick to cleansing your aura in the shower and then ground and tune in to spirit in a different room.  When doing any spiritual meditation and energy work it is very important to gold light the room before and after. People that may be new to the spiritual world need to learn about spiritual and psychic protection and cleansing. These are vital for your well-being and safety. As is closing down the room after you are doing anything of a spiritual one psychic/metaphysical nature. You do not want to leave an energy portal open as this is very dangerous.  Please look at my psychic protection and grounding posts for some methods.

I also have warnings about creating entities and the unintended consequences of things such as Tulpas. Be wise and be safe and stay right away from things that are dangerous such as spells and rituals, because you are dealing with forces much more cunning than you can possibly imagine and they can and will turn on you at any time. Too many people get into danger with meddling with things that they don’t fully understand and are way out of their league. So please stay safe and within safe boundaries. 

Warm and fuzzy hugs 🤗 

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
