17 August, 2022

Morrison says 'extraordinary times' justified secret ministries


Trust me, says the man with a very questionable past before he was even in politics. Sure why not, what harm can he possibly do? 🤣🤣🤣 

We we’re heading into the recession before 2020. Read financial articles prior to this. I have even put links on blog posts to show the evidence and psychic predictions before that! 

All political parties have dirt on each other that’s the way it is and also is a way to keep control of these dubious individuals. 

Have you ever wondered how people call their cats indoors around the world?

  https://www.boredpanda.com/cat-calling-in-different-languages/ Today’s useless information, lol. Just so you know in the future 🤣🤣🤣😻😻...