26 February, 2021

Alien abduction dream



I had this dream a few days ago, but only just getting the time to blog about it. It was one of those dreams that I knew was profound as it was happening.

In this dream I was in my car with my husband driving the car. We took a wrong turn on a country road, as one does. Suddenly we felt something was wrong, really wrong. it wasn't just that we had gotten lost somewhere. This was eerie, kind of hard to pin point in what way it was though.

I don't recall us being abducted, but I clearly recall 2 implants being implanted into our left hands. The first implant was at the base of the middle finger and the second one was in the palm of the hand.

Next thing was, we were put back in our car with a warm blanket over us.
I thought that we naked, but as I looked again, we were clothed.  The funny thing is watching this all as a third person. That always happens in my dreams.

I had a feeling of having an OMG moment. As in I was suddenly aware that we had just been abducted by aliens and had implants fitted. I knew that something was very wrong. I also was aware that we were taken against our will's. When we regained our faculties, we drove off, up to the New South Wales north coast. We seemed to be trying to avoid someone or something. We did didn't want to be caught.

At one stage I was out side of the car walking along a country road. I hid in a ditch to avoid being seen by whomever it was that was looking for us.
The environment seemed calm and sleepy, just like the countryside is.

Next I was back in the car again, and driving to a quiet country property.
The area was lush and green, very fertile. I could see miles and miles of lush green fields. It felt so nice and I wanted to stay there.

We came across a house with a young family living there. We told the people what had happened, and didn't want to put them in danger. We told them that it might be safer for them to go into hiding.

Suddenly I noticed an aircraft landing nearby. It looked like a normal aeroplane, with a white body and green and yellow at the tail. I knew that it was masking the real aircraft, (which they confirmed with me to avoid detection) under the image that I could see. Fear was surging through me and I felt frightened, of what was to come. I shouted to my husband and the young family to watch out there were aliens coming after us.

Within seconds they had smashed the door down, they stood for a few seconds in the doorway. I could see that there were 5 of them, one was a woman with light short hair. They all wore some sort of black overalls.
Next thing one of the men was removing the implants from my hand.
He told me not to worry, it turned out these people were following hot on the tail of the aliens that abducted us.

They seemed to be some sort of alien freedom fighters. After making sure we were ok they left. When they were leaving, I ran after them and asked if they were Annunakai. They said no, but they might bring them next time.

Note: The Annunakai are not friendly ET's, no matter what you might hear or read about these creeps, they are evil. Their original home planet was Sirius. From that they moved on to Nibiru (planet X to us).

Copyright Alex Fulford June 2013


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...