27 February, 2021

How to Ground and Attune Yourself


First sit quietly in a chair, with your back straight.

Close your eyes & empty your mind of all the goings on of the day.

Rest your hands on your lap, palms facing up the way.

This is the standard position to receive Spirit.

Now the next step is take 3 deep breaths in & out.

Next , visualize a little mini version of yourself sitting in the Lotus

Position inside your head & facing the front.

Say the following words in your mind.

Little mini –me sitting in the Central position inside my head & sitting in the

Lotus position facing the front. I am now moving my mini- me down the glass straw

(meridian core) inside my head down into the Head Chakra, from the Head Chakra,

I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw down into the Throat Chakra.

From the Throat Chakra I am moving my mini-me down the glass straw to the Heart Chakra.

From the Heart Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass straw, down into the

Solar Chakra, from the Solar Chakra I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw to

The Sacral Chakra. From the Sacral Chakra I am moving my mini-me further down the glass

Straw to the Bass Chakra. From the Base Chakra I am moving my mini-me all the way down

The glass straw between my legs down to the Star Chakra, between my ankles. From the Star Chakra

I am now moving my mini-me down the glass straw deep into the Earth Chakra 30cm beneath my feet.

I am now drawing up into my mini-me, rainbow coloured, sparkly, Earth energy. Lots of Earth energy

Drawn up into my mini-me. I am now bringing my little mini-me back up the glass straw. All the way

Up into the Star Chakra between my ankles, & pausing for a moment. I am now moving my mini-me

All the way up the glass straw between my legs up to the Base Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Sacral Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw again up to the Solar Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw up to the Heart Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the Throat Chakra, pausing for a moment.

I am now moving my mini-me up the glass straw to the head Chakra, pausing for a moment.

From the head Chakra I am moving my mini-me up through the central position & out through

The top of my head, cascading this rainbow coloured, sparkly Earth energy down and around my entire

Body & Aura. From head to toe, & in full circumference of my entire body & Aura.

(pause here a moment)

I am now drawing my mini-me back inside my head to the central position, & dissolving it. I am

Now grounded & attuned.

So may it be, Amen.


The more you do this grounding the better you will get at remembering it. Please remember it is
The intention behind what you are saying & doing that makes this powerful.

Have you ever wondered about Religious pictures, with the person holding their hands out

& their palms facing up. This is how you receive spirit. The left hand works like

an antenna to receive, the right hand is to give. We are all connected to each other & to spirit.

This cannot be broken ever. As we are all part of the Devine Spirit.

The power of prayer is very strong & should never be under estimated. Please remember

The Law of Cause & Effect also. It is very powerful also, with a 3 fold effect. Three is an important

number spiritually, as in the Trinity but it goes much deeper than that.

Do some work on the internet, keep an open mind & don’t accept everything at face value.

If not sure about something check out other sources until satisfied.

Major nation’s postal service to stop delivering letters
