26 February, 2021

Elemental Beings by Alex Fulford



This was such a wonderful experience for me and my cat Slinky not the normal experience for me when cleaning out the cat run, lol. I will post photos of elementals in my big tree in the back yard next to the cat run later today.

If you can go into a park, your garden or a forest with a digital camera and take random photos you will see faces in the trees (pareidolia), even rocks have elemental faces on them. They tend to have jagged looking features in rock formations. I will post one for you to study that a friend took this year in Scotland.

Note: when writing for the magazine I have to limit my word count to 500 words otherwise I could waffle on lol.

Thank you to the wonderful staff at The Supernatural Magazine for giving me the opportunity to write for you. I am most honoured and most humbled.

5th November 2015

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...