27 February, 2021

How to Gold Light Someone

 This is putting gold light protection around  someone, other than yourself, such as your children.  It is the intention behind this that makes it powerful.

First step is to visualize pure gold light from the universe/ or Multiverse coming in through the top of the persons head, (you can use the person's name) and drawing lots of pure golden light in a continuous stream in through the top of the head. Filling the entire head and neck with pure golden light. Now draw this pure gold light down on to both shoulders, simultaneously.
Now draw this pure golden light down in to the body. (say  either out aloud or in your mind) I am now  drawing down more pure golden light from the universe/Multiverse down through the top of (person's head) and flowing down into the full length of their torso. I am now drawing this pure golden light down both legs simultaneously, all the way down to the knees on both legs.

I am now drawing this pure golden light right down the full length of both legs simultaneously,
and now drawing this pure golden light into both feet simultaneously, all the way to the tips of the toes.
I am now drawing lots of extra pure golden light from the universe/or Multiverse straight down through the top of (name of person's) head and flowing all the way down to the shoulders. Now I am drawing this pure golden light all the way down both arms simultaneously. I am now drawing this pure golden light down into both hands simultaneously, all the way to the finger tips.

Pausing for a moment, and then starting at the feet. Bringing some of the pure golden light all the way up from the feet and up both legs simultaneously, while leaving some of the pure golden light in place for protection. I am drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity up out of the body along with some of this pure golden light.

Drawing the pure golden light, and all dis-ease, evil and negativity all the way up both legs, up into the torso. pausing for a moment. I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of the pure golden light all the way up the full length of the torso and up on to the shoulders.
I am now drawing all dis-ease, evil and negativity  and some of the pure golden light up from both hands simultaneously and up both arms simultaneously. But leaving some pure golden light in place for protection. I am now drawing all this dis-ease, evil and negativity and some of the pure golden light all the way up on to the shoulders and joining with the rest of the dis-ease, evil and negativity and  pure golden light.

Now I am sending all this dis-ease, evil and negativity along with some of this pure golden light straight up through the neck, and up through the head, and going out through the top of (name of person) head and sending all of this dis-ease, evil and negativity out into the universe/Multiverse to be transmuted or destroyed. While the pure golden light cascades down and around (name of person) entire body and aura.

I am now placing a ball of pure golden light around (name of person) to hold in all this pure golden light to protect them.

This ball of pure golden light around (name of person) comes from the on true source in the Multiverse, the all that is and all that ever will be (the divine feminine ), and as such this ball of pure golden light will repel all dis-ease , evil and negativity. Instead all dis-ease, evil and negativity will be carried deep into the Multiverse to be transmuted or else destroyed.

(person's name) is now sealed and protected by the all that is and all that ever will be, (the divine feminine /or what ever you feel appropriate )   by my will so may it be, and it is so.

By the way Dragons blood is a good resin or incense to burn to keep evil away, it is used for purifying as is white sage. But dragons blood is the most powerful followed by Frankincense and then white sage

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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