27 February, 2021

Alex Fulford International Clairvoyant -Medium given a 5 star rating in American Book by Maxemillien de Layfayette

 I just came across my name with a 5 star rating in an American book called When Heaven calls you. I am blown away to be honest, lol.

I was googling my name for an advert that I have running, and I wanted to google it just by my name. I just scrolled on and on and suddenly this jumped out at me. It was in an American magazine from January 2015, god it is a weird feeling to come across it to be honest.

The magazine is called American Psychic and Medium Magazine by Maximillien  de Layfayette

Thank you Maximilien de Layfayette, however I am a Clairvoyant-Medium not just psychic! I am also a spiritual healer that can see into the body like a thermal image, and mediumshp often accompanies the  healing proccess. 

I work in a cafe and this is the one question from customers that shows a complete lack of respect

  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13669581/Liam-LeMercier-cafe-respect-customer.html Hospitality is a tough gig, these people work ...