27 February, 2021

Alex's Visit to Lanyon Homestead

 Yesterday I went out to Lanyon homestead to see the house, I was aware there was a lady in spirit there. However I was surprised to be greeted by James Wright (one of the men that built the house) in spirit. I informed the staff and they showed me a photo of him; which confirmed to me that it was him as I described the man to the staff; and what he was wearing. He accompanied my husband and myself around the house and property the whole time we were there. How amazing is that?



Right from the moment My husband and I went up to the front of the house I started to see spirit people around the house. The energy was very strong. On entering the house I was greeted by James Wright. He was very pleased to show the house off to us. I expressed how I really loved the house and that I am very much an old world person, preferring things of the early 20th century to modern life. 

When I saw James in spirit he looked much younger than this photo.  His hair was brown , he still had the bushy beard which was grey. He was wearing a white shirt with braces instead of a belt on his trousers, beige  trousers and riding boots. I thanked him for accompanying us around the property.

There were a few spirit beings there at the homestead. Not just the famous lady that is seen my many.
She was in a yellow dress full skirt of the Victorian era. I saw her and felt her presence in the hallway of the house 

At this point I started to inform the two ladies that were working in the house taking admission fees. They were rather delighted to hear about James being seen there as it is only just the lady that many people see. The ladies then went and pulled out a photo of James and an old book to help identify the person that I was seeing.
After having a look through the dining room I suddenly went cold and was surprised to see people sitting at the table enjoying a meal and lively conversation. I thanked them for allowing me to see them and expressed my love for the house again.

From there we went out into the back courtyard and again more spirit activity. I turned to my husband and told him there were a few horses here' I think three or four of them. Some chestnut or dark brown, and people grooming them and getting them ready to be ridden. When I walked in to one of the out buildings where the old saddles and reigns are kept, I heard a young man yell out BLAST. He cut his finger on something. He was not aware that we were there. I just laughed and told my husband what I heard and saw.

Next we went into the servants quarters which were in a separate small building. The bedroom was so sparse a basic bed and a wardrobe, a hand made bedside table  of very poor quality. just planks of rough wood knocked together into a table. Sitting on the bed was a young teenage girl with dark long hair and a night cap on. She looked a happy soul. I did say sorry for the intrusion on her privacy and I did tell her the date. I dare say all of these people in spirit are well used to the intrusions in to their daily lives in spirit. Still I like to be respectful and not treat them as anything less than who they are. Just because they are in spirit does not give others the right to think of them as part of the entertainment.

There are several reasons as to why a spirit being will be seen at different age groups
One is they revert back to looking how they did in their 20s to 30s when being back in spirit. Also it is down to how the individual wishes to be identified by those that see them. If the person was known to you personally they will show you how they looked when you knew them.

Having said that sometimes I have a spirit come through when conducting a reading and they first come through as the looked just prior to death and then show me how they looked at different ages. It is really up to the individual spirit being. The personality, ego, etc stays the same until they reincarnate, only then will that change. Eyes do not seem to change from life time to life time. I have no idea why that is though.

2025 Psychic Predictions are under way

 Just a heads up to let everyone know that I am working on my 2025 psychic predictions. The Australian ones are almost ready to be posted.  ...