26 February, 2021

Neanderthal is there a connection between the Celts?



Could there be a connection between the Neanderthals and the ancient Celts of Britain? I was wondering about that yesterday.
Over the past hundred years or so the scientists have pondered is there a link between us humans of today and the Neanderthals. I feel that there is much more to the Neanderthals than meets the eye. They were not the knuckle dragging beings that the scientists led us to believe. New evidence keeps coming to light to add more to their story. No doubt we will never know the full story, for one reason or another.

Here is what I was thinking about yesterday, Neanderthals were a short stocky build and reddish hair, as are some of us Celts. Neanderthals have a long toe next to the big toe, and so do some of us Celts. I also have that long toe next to my big toe. Mind you I do have long toes. I often joke about being able to peel a banana with them. My fingers are short though.

I have the short stocky build of the Celt from my part of Scotland. My ancestors as far as I know are all 100% pure Celt, going back hundreds of years. I am not sure about the blood groups of most of my family, I do know that there are some of us with the O rh Negative blood group and my father's side have that. Many Celts and Basque people have the O rh Neg blood. I suspect that it came from the Neanderthals. But I honestly couldn't say 100%, not being a scientist. Just a hunch only.

Yesterday I just looked up this website attached to my post and found it very interesting. I have also added the main page index for others to browse through if they are interested. There is so much more info out there, but this seems a good starting point to start joining the dots.

But why have these Neanderthals been given such bad press?
Also why has there been a constant drive by the Vatican and company to destroy the Celts? It has been their mission from the very start to destroy them and take their land. As we speak the Irish people have started the push to be rid of the Vatican. Very interesting times that we are living in now. With the answers clearly lying in our ancient past. It makes for a good Agatha Christie novel doesn't it.

Any how I hope that you find this interesting and enjoy reading up on the past. It is full of surprises. Happy reading!



Update: May 20,2017 LOL, I was scrolling through my old posts looking for something and came across this post. I have learned much more about the O negative blood and Celts in the time from this post to date. The Celtic race are the remains of ancient Atlantis. The O neg blood  is the royal  blood and by that not just the British royal family, the blood line of the Annunaki royals.It does not originate of earth, science has already brought this information out.

There is a lot of valuable information on the alternate history websites and as I keep saying the researchers that I mention in posts all have valid confirmation as to the origins of the blood group O rh neg.

A basic blood test will only give you your blood group but the real gold is withheld from the general public. For instance, if you have a parent that is A positive and one parent is O neg any of the children can have the o neg traits in their blood. I sure as hell do as my mum was A pos, my dad is O neg, his mum is O neg. The psychic blood lines. This blood cannot be cloned either. Do your research and you will find this to be the case. Do not expect a doctor, a nurse or a pathologist to either know this or admit this. It is not in their interest to tell you this if they are aware. This is about maintaining control and keeping our true human history hidden. But hey it's a bit bloody late for that, the cat is already out the bag. One would have to do a massive redaction of every single book on the subject and erase every document on the internet. I don't see that happening. Not that redaction isn't happening with other important information.

http://vaticproject.blogspot.com.au/2014/05/the-mystery-of-rh-negative-blood.html (This link is in other posts in my blog too, however I want to add it to this to show a comparison)

Ancient DNA Reveals That Some Neanderthals Were Redheads, October 26, 2007


Hmmm found this link, just a tad late. I would also read what Wes Penre has to say about this in his first level of learning.


Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Neanderthal is there a connection between the Celts?

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