20 February, 2025

What your mouth has to do with your risk of dementia


This is an interesting article not just for us older people, we all need to learn about this terrible disease. Please take the time to read this article. One thing that I am curious about is people my parents age and older having a full set of dentures at a young age, yet still have dementia. 

Young women in the old days had all their teeth removed around the time they were having babies, so did this cause infection to get into the bloodstream in their late teens or early 20's? That is decades before the disease takes hold. For instance  many of my aunts that dies in their 90's  did not develop this disease in their 60's or 70's and only one or two ever smoked I have no idea about alcohol consumption, other than at New Year family gatherings. Most of my mum's side lived to ages 88 to 96 and only be in a nursing home in their 90's it is puzzling as to why it takes decades for the disease to manifest. 

Yes, some succumb  to dementia in their 70's or 80's but some later in old age. Genetics obviously plays it's part too, I just hope that we find a cure soon, as there are young people that are now diagnosed in their 20's with dementia, yet we don't know what triggers it in young people.  

The Mediterranean diet has been touted as one of the ideal diets since the 1980's, yet look at the junk food  in English language countries  as well as a high dependance on processed foods. I personally try to avoid processed foods as much as possible. And almost never eat take away foods, the cost of living crisis is a major problem in food affordability in Australia and Britain meaning many people have to feed their families unhealthy foods just to survive.  Add to the problem; the cost of visiting a dentist, many people just cannot afford to see a dentist and that is getting worse in the past 5 years. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...