06 September, 2022

Neil Oliver: ‘they’re acting in concert with each other


So it has taken this long for some people to partially waken up to what’s been happening for years.  It’s a bit late now, and these people haven’t even scratched the surface on what is really happening, and those with evil intentions will up the ante on you and lay the smack down before you can blink. Just as they have always done in the past, people just don’t pay attention and most politicians are as dumb as a box of rocks and so easily manipulated. Now that more people are starting to take notice, you can expect a dramatic reaction from the hidden power; to do something drastic causing chaos as a distraction otherwise people will demand something be done to stop this in its tracks.

Put it this way when it comes to war do you let the enemy gear up first; where they may even have an advantage over you?  Well yes, that happens all the time, because both sides are owned, financed and controlled by the same enemy of humanity secret societies.

This has been done since the year dot, but it has become more sophisticated in the past century. Control the narrative, control the government and the media. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Control the food, energy, petrol and oil and you can cripple any nation or nations. Look into the Russian revolution’s background and you will see similarities in the modus operandi, with what's happening right now and you will see the same hands involved today. Our technology makes us more vulnerable these days too. Power shut off and everything stops including trying to get your money out of the bank. A country comes to a complete stop in an instant due to all our technology, there is not one country in this world that is not compromised and under the thumb of these evil doers, not one. We are all sitting ducks of secret societies.  

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...