24 December, 2024

Five Christmas story elements that don’t appear in the Bible, from the little donkey to the inn keeper


Start looking for the answers in the night sky, it’s astrology pure and simple. The manger, the donkey, the cradle are all astronomical and astrological. It’s all mapped out and predates Jesus by thousands of years. The birth of Jesus is no different to other mythological and historical figures, and the narrative is repeated all around the world in many cultures. 

The Beehive is also another name for the Manger which is connected to ancient Egypt is also in the night sky, it’s also the name for the New Zealand parliament building. 

The donkey in the biblical stories is also astrological, sitting in the constellation of Cancer. It’s called Asellus Borealis which is next to Asellus Australis, both are known as the donkeys.  

Previous posts about astrology in the jesus story, originally posted in 2019.


Asellus Borealis (donkey)



A guide to constellations, you will see a few things from the bible in this but not all of them, though it doesn't mention the crown of thorns by name it is actually the Corona Borealis   


The constellation of Cancer


The three wise men or the belt of Orion, the one on the left is called Cavalry 


A little bit more information about the Corona Borealis. ⬇️


You will notice the mention of three Mary's in the Wikipedia page about the Belt of Orion The bible also mentions three Mary's. Jesus’s mother was a Mary as was one of his sisters, however that sister is the Mary Magdalene, and there is either a double up of her or a deliberate obfuscation of her role and identity. Not all researchers agree on this though. Jesus was an actual king historically speaking and Mary Magdalen ( Mary of the Towers more interesting connections with her in Europe including being alluded to in the fairy tale Rapunzel )  was his sister wife.  The Jesus family had connections to ancient Iran, Parthea according to the writer Ralph Ellis, who has written extensively on the history of Jesus and his family bloodline. The books are available on Amazon. Raplh Ellis also informs us about Jesus being an Astrologer as well as a high ranking Freemason. 

I am finding myself drawn to  study this along with my astrology studies. It's a lot of fun when you delve into this and it's great to learn new things and it is so much better than sitting in front of the tv for me.

I am the sort of person that could happily divide my time between nature and a library and I just love to share information with likeminded people.  As I come across more information I will update this and perhaps you may be curious about the amazing information. The power of the age of Aquarius is unfolding as we live and breathe and this is written in the stars. 


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...