07 December, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1 December 2024


I can’t say that I agree with Wes on who the ascended masters really are. Originally he said they were mostly archons and some humans. I sure as hell wouldn’t have anything to do with ascended masters, especially because they are under the control of  beings that are no friends of humanity nor truly spiritual beings. Wes has said in the past, that humans have to adhere to En-Ki’s school of thought to ascend and that it was a sort of  like a draconian system. There may well be some benevolent beings in the ranks, and they may or may not know what is really going on. Also Wes did tell us that these human ascended beings don’t get to stay permanently in the so called spirit realm, they do come back again to reincarnate. We have the right to refuse to reincarnate, it is not in our best interest to be in a physical form, because we are entombed in the flesh and our spirit is very suppressed as are our natural spiritual and psychic abilities. 

Humanity has been deliberately put in to a living hell in the third dimension and this was not to benefit us from the beginning. The purpose being to traumatise us and harvest our loosh. 

There is no way that a benevolent god would do such a terrible thing to humanity. I also feel that a good soul would always be a good soul, it is what is our core essence is after all. 

Life on this earth can be very painful for those that are good because the people that are negative in their moral character sniff out anyone that is good or sensitive or different. They home in on them,  bully and mistreat the innocent victims. Even children in primary schools are capable of sniffing out a vulnerable child and bully them mercilessly. This is because the core essence of the child is not good to begin with. Not all beings incarcerate from the “good” side of the spirit world. There are lower realms that we call the dark side, think about psychopaths and other dangerous people otherwise the world would not be the way it is. This is free will choices being made, to become a bad person is easy enough if the will is there. 

As for psychic people, not all of us want to teach anything nor are we all wise and all knowing on spiritual matters. I don’t consider myself a teacher of anything, may be a sort of way shower or just someone that likes to share what I know. Not everything can or should be shared either. Because some people are not ready for spiritual wisdom. Some people may also use this spiritual knowledge in the wrong way and use it to manipulate and control others. 

Saturday evening humour just keeps on coming

  Especially when you are dealing with a psychic 🤣🤣🤣