16 September, 2024

Springtime joy with Jack Frost visiting

 We had a freezing cold start to the morning today, it was -5.1 degrees in sunny southern Canberra. Yikes, I don't remember having such a cold morning in September in the 29 years I’ve have lived here. But the morning turned out to be lovely by 10.00am. 


The other side of town got down to a record breaking -6.9 which is unheard of in September, however it did snow here in September 1976, so I have been told when I first moved here by someone that was getting married at the time and clearly remembered that. There was snow just outside Canberra on the weekend and the chill was in the air throughout the weekend. Thankfully these cold snaps don’t last long and the sun comes out to make the day cheerful and I intend to celebrate the spring’s return. 

Floriade is back again for its 37th anniversary, and I am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful colours of spring in Commonwealth Park; where the next 4 weeks will be buzzing with excitement as everyone is out to celebrate Floriade. I would love to have a mini version in my backyard as I really love springtime flowers and the magic of spring. I just want the mornings a bit warmer again so that we can enjoy drinking a cup of tea in the garden. 

This cold snap has taken me by surprise but the day turned out pretty good in the end. There is still tonight going down to -3 and here is hoping that this will be the last we see of Jack Frost for the rest of the season. Still the people of Canberra know not to plant tomatoes until after the first week of November because there is a chance of frost right up to then. We also love to see snow falling in town and the beautiful Brindabella mountains dusted with snow in our skyline, it’s a magnificent sight to behold. Southern Canberra has such beautiful natural scenery to enjoy, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else to be honest. 

https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/2814397.  A1949 news article about snow in Canberra breaking the record from 1929. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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