28 September, 2024

Multiple surgeries could lead to cognitive decline, study finds


A very interesting article, anesthetics always have an element of risk involved and it is pointed out to patients prior to agreeing to surgery. Dementia is on the rise regardless and that includes people that have never had surgery in their lives. A diet heavy in processed foods is a bigger threat to our health than surgery. My paternal grandmother had dementia and never had surgery in her entire life. Genetics will also play a factoring role in getting dementia.

Interestingly, there are also the astrological aspects from the time we are born and these factors contribute along with all surgical procedures. 

Astrologers have always known the time of a person's birth along with the placement of planets and asteroids in a natal chart affects the individual. Astrology also tell us when surgery can be detrimental due to the astrological influences on particular days of the month and why despite successful surgery a patient dies for no apparent reason.

A Google search will show the dates of when to avoid surgery including retrograde planets. This was something that I checked out before my husband went into hospital a few months ago especially because his surgery was very risky. His natal chart shows good recuperative abilities as does my natal chart. Unfortunately I have  a risk of dying under a general anesthetic or in my sleep because I have Neptune in my 8th house which is a house of  surgery and endings. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...