13 April, 2024

‘Shocked’: Disbelief as native Aussie animal spotted in the UK


It’s not every day that a Kookaburra wakes up the locals in Scotland, they are lucky it’s not galahs or cockatoos squawking, because they are loud and make a real racket, lol. I often hear a Kookaburra early in the morning where I live. 

I recall my first morning waking up in Australia as a 10 year old child and hearing their call. I rushed into my parents bedroom to tell them that I just heard a Kookaburra, because I had been learning about them at school in Scotland before coming to Australia and discovering the fantastic new environment with gum trees and eucalyptus trees. However I didn’t get to see kangaroos, wombats or koalas until I moved to Canberra. In Sydney I lived in a built up suburb so there wasn’t any chance of seeing the real wildlife. 

It would be interesting to see how this kookaburra has adapted to the environment in Scotland. There are botanical gardens in Scotland that have Australian shrubs and trees so perhaps the bird could be relocated to a botanical garden or else returned to Australia which would be better for the bird. 

On a funny note, kids in Australia have a little alternative rhyme to the original version that they say, Kookaburra sitting on the electric wire, jumping up and down with his arse on fire. I remember hearing kids in primary school saying this around 1973 and by the time I had children, it was still popular. I don’t think there is a single Aussie that doesn’t know that rhyme. 🤣🤣🤣

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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