30 April, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 5 April 2024


Good to see Anthon Parks getting a mention here. I was reading his stuff before Wes Came along.

His work is in French (I call him the French Wes Penre even though he was writing this stuff a few years before Wes)  When the soul is mentioned, I can tell you many years ago I was shown a soul of a new baby being inserted into the baby at the time of birth. It was quite an eye-opener to me. As the lady who was having the reading's father in spirit was present and showed me it happening as he watched the baby  coming into this world. The lady had confirmed that her father had passed away a few years prior.

That is the one and only time that I saw such a thing. The beings present were shrouded in a bright whitish-blue light; which is the standard shield that I see with these beings. No visible features are ever shown. If they were indeed benevolent then why do they always use shielding? They clearly are hiding from us, personally I see that as deceptive.

I don't like the term 3UC because it sounds too Scientology, we are primarily spirit, so I say there are three components to us, Spirit, soul and the physical body. We are complex beings with a vast range of emotions and capabilities.  

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...