05 March, 2021

A bridge to the soul, Dean Andrea


Check out this website, Dean Andrea is a friend of mine in the US. He provides inspirational food for the soul. Dean is a healer like myself. However I have had to give up healing. Please read through Dean's website and if you feel inspired, perhaps you may want to buy his book. I am getting a signed  copy of his book sent to me. I really look forward to reading it. I am an avid reader and like to read uplifting and inspiring books.  I will let you now when it arrives and when I get stuck into reading it. 

Update: The book arrived in the mail yesterday, woo hoo! I got stuck into it last night and so far I am enjoying it. I can relate to what is said in the early chapters of the book and strongly empathise with Dean.

I am only up to page 74 so I must make time tonight to do more reading. I will do a blog post as soon as I am finished reading the book 😀 so hang in there peeps.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...