06 March, 2021


 NOTE: This article is taken from my old blog dating back to 2012. I had missed this one when transferring stuff.


Thyroid issues in Celtic people, this is a subject that has sprung into my mind today. Being a Celt, from Scotland, I was wondering if I was predisposed to Fibromyalgia and or Thyroid issues. So I started to google this. I found the names of two Scottish doctors with an interest in this too. Dr Malcolm Maclean and Dr Gordon Skinner. I have put the blurb in the links above into my blog post for others to look at. Lol, no link that I can see to Fibromyalgia.


There is this fact sheet too to have a look at. At present I am making up a  batch of Australian Bush Flower Essences to treat myself for Fibromyalgia. It looks like it will take a while to kick in. But I have to cut out Night shade foods, Tomatoes and Potatoes, rats I eat a lot of them. I love hot chips and crisps/potato chips. This is quite a rude shock to me. Rice is good, so I will replace spuds with rice. Basmati rice is the best to use.

Looks like a double whammy for me. Last winter I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis all through my spine, but the doctor didn't check me for any other problems. I did tell him about the constant pain in my elbows, wrists and hands as well as my hips and knees.
He must have just thought it is all the same. D'oh, I did not tell him that I have chronic fatigue and memory problems too. Every morning I waken up exhausted as if I have not been asleep. I have no energy to move at all. I takes me all my strength to get out of bed at 7am, I just have to get on with it, just like everyone else.   
I did some googling and put two and two together a few months ago, but never went far with it. In a nut shell, I have Fibromyalgia on top of OA. Lovely....not!

Anyyhoo!, I am ready to take this thing on. I have just run out of steam and not got the energy nor the will power to do much at present. But, I am determined to do fix the problem. I do believe that this can be cured. Without man made drugs too. It is not a quick fix though, nothing is  though is it.

I read that 5% of the population have this and mostly women. I do recommend seeing a naturopath or homeopath. Try to find one that works with the Australian Bush Flower Essences too and Russ Tox. I believe that these combined with the right diet will cure this condition.
As I always say do your homework, here is the link for the ABE, they can be sent world wide if you take a good look at the website. You may like to follow them on Facebook too.

NOTE: I had an email from a cousin informing me that both he and his mother also have this condition, and that it can also be triggered by trauma too, such as a car accident. More work needs to de done on this.

Link to the original post


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