26 November, 2024

The spiritual game of life

 I had an interesting experience a couple of days ago when doing mediumship on a Skype call. The image I was shown was like a VR game with the gamers looking on from above. This was relatives of my client who are in spirit, showing me from their perspective how our world looks to them. They were looking down into a circular chamber almost like an auditorium and we are the players in the venue going about our lives. Those on the other side of life watching on like spectators. I could see the long drop down from where there spirit beings were standing, down on to what looked like  green grass similar to a football pitch and people just walking around totally unaware that they were being watched from above by these spirits. Kind of like the movie, The Truman Show.

It looked very much like a simulation like when people play console games. As I observed the vision, I noticed the characters, meaning us living in our world were superimposed on top of my tarot cards on the table. Though this is not the first time that I have seen spirit beings  overlayed  on my tarot cards. It did remind me of the Shakespeare statement, all the world is a stage. Which some people correctly take as a hint at the metaphysical reality of the world we inhabit. The expression as above, and so is below is still valid, but it is a multiple meaning expression.    

I wish that I could psychically share what I saw with everyone. Because it was just like 3D and I could look right through the people shown to me like they were just holograms. Not all spirit beings show the exact same type of images to explain what we look like to them. I don’t believe that there is any real set way in which we are perceived by non physical beings either, or even how we psychics and clairvoyants see spirit beings. We all decode with our brains whatever is imparted to us whether by a physical person or a spirit person. So we don’t pick up and interoperate the information the same way. 

I also don’t feel the description above of the spirit beings watching us from above is 100% correct either, it’s just an analogy. The spirit world is all around us just on a different multiple frequencies out of the range that we humans can’t perceive with our physical senses. I see people in spirit often and sometimes it’s just them standing next to me or someone else. Other times it’s seeing the spirit through my third eye clairvoyantly. I generally have a tingling warm sensation around me when a spirit is present, though it's not always the case. 

I believe it is down to individual spirit beings and their own individual knowledge or awareness, beliefs and individual language of communication, to try to inform us of how they perceive us. Just as we in our world perceive them is snot always the same either. It seems more a visual and cognitive language more than a spoken language spirits beings communicate with when trying to contact us, which is the best way that I can describe things being communicated from spirit to us. However spoken language is used too with a range of emotions. 

There are scientists and researchers etc, who are now of the opinion that we  do live in a simulated world too. Scientists have been trying to find a way to explore other worlds for decades in the area of Noetic science, which is an offshoot of physics. I believe that it is more likely that the scientists need to find a frequency key, to answer the question though. 

I  personally, have also seen a different version of incarnations done using a set up like being in black sensory deprivation chamber type of enclosures or pods, which were linked with what looked like big black corrugated  tubes.  All of the pods that I saw were placed in a circle with the heads pointing to the middle of the circle and the black tubes running from the head part of the pods to something in the middle of the circle. The lighting was very dim in the room or laboratory type environment; so I could not see much else. I was aware that someone was standing beside me as I saw this vision. Perhaps it was my spirit guide, but I have no idea to be honest. 

This was long before the movie Avatar came out, but having seen that movie at the cinema. I was stunned to see what I had been shown by spirit, in the actual movie, which is a hint of our reality and how this world functions, including the archonic overlords, although the movie portrays us humans as the evil overlords when in reality we are the victims. This of course leads in to a much deeper metaphysical question of the soul trap and creation by intelligent design and what all this means on a deeper spiritual level. 

Reading the extensive information by researchers  such as Wes Penre and Anton Parks leaves us with a very deep subject to explore on the reality of our world and other realities and the two way relationship between us. How we perceive each other and what actually is reality, which becomes quite subjective the more one investigates the subject. No answers will be forthcoming any time soon, and they will most definitely be highly questionable sources. Verifiable information will not be easy to obtain in our world because human understanding is very limited in the third dimension due to the dark heavy energy that makes up this dimensional frequencies. 

I reserve my own judgement until after I depart this world because we can very easily have our opinions and beliefs clouded by other peoples views and we operate within a reality framework that is quite limiting. Consciousness doesn’t truly expand until we are no longer in the tomb of the physical body. Keep an open mind about reality and do not have a set expectation because what one thinks is what one manifest, whether in the physical reality or the spiritual reality, everything is thought reactive regardless of where we are. We must be free of influence both externally and internally. Most importantly is we must be fluid in our beliefs, what one believes currently on any subject can change quickly and so should our spiritual understanding. 

Copyright: Alex Fulford 

 26 November 2024  

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...