08 November, 2024

Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 1, November 2024


When Wes mentioned reincarnation, I can tell you that is not 100% accurate nor do I have all the answers,  however it’s an estimate only. I  know for a fact that I was a man in my past life; and I know what I looked like, my eye colour, my hair colour and how I died in 1915 during WW1. I have always been very emotional about anything related to WW1, which got stronger as I grew older. Then flashbacks happened seeing what happens to me in little visions that only lasted seconds. However a lot can happen in those seconds. What I could see and feel, including the reaction of my parents getting the dreaded telegram to inform them of my death. That I saw through a meditation a few years ago. Not to mention the cool reaction by my father at the time. I don’t think we had a very good relationship. It’s very interesting what can be picked up in a meditation like that. 

Neither of my grandfather’s or great grandfather’s died in that war or WW2. My maternal grandfather fought in WW1, but my paternal grandfather wasn’t born until 1915. His father was not in the war either, I assume that was because he was in a job the was an essential service, I have no idea though.1915  was the year that I died in battle having my legs blown off. A funny coincidence here is that was the Chinese year of the rabbit, both my grandpa and I were born in the year of the rabbit. The cause of death, it is said, affects the person when they reincarnate. Most my life this time around I have painful legs and very bad circulation in my legs and feet. Of course it all stems from my spine and poor blood flow.  I strongly relate to my paternal side of my family but that doesn’t mean that those relatives have lost a loved one back in my last lifetime (me). I could very easily been from a different part of the family. I did have an uncle on the paternal side who lost his legs in WW2, but he survived and eventually married. 

Nothing is 100% when it comes to how we reincarnate, it’s more of a general observation than a hard fact we don’t necessarily incarnate in linear time frame either. Gender, it is said, sometimes is heavily on one gender in particular, but I don’t know why. I could only put that down to genetics and perhaps if it has been decided that a soul has spent too much life times as one gender and so has to change to the opposite gender. Again there isn’t any verification of this. 

There is an old European saying that when we have too many baby boys born in a generation, that  it is a sign of a future war. I have never looked into that belief though, and I would rather not know if there is anything to this. But looking at the world since the 1980’s, I see the energy imbalance. But as I always say, the third dimension is set up for war and violence because it is a dark and heavy energy in this reality. It will always be this way. 

Humanity cannot evolve spiritually in this world without assistance from external forces , and if that was going to happen, then it would have been done long ago. We individually must make the effort to raise our spiritual energies and awaken. Religion will never allow a spiritual awakening because that is not its purpose. A soul when it incarnates is already programmed to awaken from within and it is able to be detected astrologically to a degree. That awakening takes thousands of years for an individual soul to reach that level of awareness. The soul sets its agenda and, if the will of spirit is strong enough then that soul will stop at nothing to evolve and exit this reality in a gentle peaceful process. 

I spend this part of my life now preparing myself for this exit process by educating myself from within. By simply connecting to my higher self to guide me. It takes as long as it takes, but as long as I focus my intentions on the goal, it will be done. 

Your intentions are very powerful, it doesn’t matter what others think or what others tell you what will happen to you. That is their ego inserting their will or ego on your experience and that is wrong. They may well have your best interests at heart but they are not you. 

Never settle for what others try to insist is right for you. Only you know you, only you know what is going through your mind at any moment, it is private and personal. Do not discuss your spiritual journey with others because they can definitely affect your spiritual journey through negative or false beliefs and opinions not to mention their religious beliefs or new age beliefs which will definitely throw you off your path. 

You must be assertive when it comes to your individual spirituality, it is a singular and unique experience. No two souls or people have the same experience nor is their energy frequency the same. You are unique as a spiritual being for a reason. Only rely on your higher self and nothing else, only your higher self is your gps beacon. There is nothing more pure than your higher self and only you have the unique key to your higher self. Unlock the lock with your spiritual powers from within you. You have the time on this earth to learn how to do this. So just relax and keep it simple, by connecting to your higher self via meditation and in your thoughts. Put the firm intentions in your mind and focus on alignment with your higher self. 

Let other unimportant things fall by the wayside and focus on what you need to accomplish individually on your inner journey. You won’t get this information from a book, you go into your inner wisdom. Don’t worry about are you doing it right, it will happen slowly and gradually. Then one day you will have that epiphany and it will make sense. Just go with your inner flow. I think that is the only advice that I can offer, and it is what I am doing myself. Just keeping it simple and uncomplicated, you may find that you want to spend a time in nature as you do this. Be it in your backyard or elsewhere, it is the peaceful feeling that you get that you are seeking  which brings a still inner peace. 

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