14 May, 2021

Past life flashback,from a new chest rig!!

 Well This is an interesting one. Back on the 5th April I went into a local military shop with my son. He is a regular visitor to this shop, as he is a collector of military memorabilia. he was in his element rummaging around, me on the other hand I was bored,( I am a gardener and bookworm) . That was until he set his eyes on this new chest rig that is in current service. He called out to me to look at it, and can he buy it.

As I walked over to it, I had a sudden shudder come over me. I could see a world war 1 image in my head. A man in full uniform and in the background I could see murky looking countryside and what seemed to be a battle. It was only in the blink of and eye. It upset me quite a bit. I moved away from it very quickly. How on Earth could a brand new piece of equipment make me feel like that, and see that image. It had nothing at all to do with world war 1.  My son did lay by this item by the way.

Today I went into that shop to pick up his lay by. I drove straight home with it in the back of the car, no problem. I carried it into the house, but as soon as I closed our front door, I got a very depressing feeling come over me. I became very teary. I could see this man again. I thought there must be something about that chest rig that is similar  to the styles of WW 1. It  really took me by surprise.

I do know that my last life was in that war and my legs were blown off. I have had many flashes back to that time over the past year or two. I get very emotional with anything to do with world war 1.

In this lifetime, I do have problems with both of my legs and feet. I have had problems all of my life with them.  Mostly to do with poor circulation in my legs and feet. In cool weather below 18 degrees centigrade, my toes are agony. Doctors don't know what causes it. Been checked out by chiropractors and doctors, lol.

This is not unusual for a person to have a health issue related to the cause of death from the past life. It is a well documented fact. But back to this story. I told my son to keep it in his room, I don't want to see it. I did tell him what happened, so he understands.

 Current digital multicam chest rig, used in Afghanistan 2012.

I feel very strongly about war and special events like Anzac Day (25th April) and Remembrance Day (11th November). Many spirits are around on these days and on the lead up to them. We also have our current wars going on. Now this all does have an effect on the human psyche, including those on the other side of life. Spirit beings are always around us, but at these special times of the year they try even harder too make contact with the living. Some of them just want to say hello to loved ones, others are not at rest for various reasons. The image that I keep seeing, however, is myself, my higher self is sending a signal to my conscious self. Looks like I need to address something within myself in relation to war/conflict.
 World War 1 webbing.

Copyright by Alex Fulford,20th April 2012.

NOTE: I only just realised that this had not been transferred to this new blog today, D'oh! May 14th 2021. 

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