24 September, 2023

Alex turns the big 6 0

 I officially turned 60 today what a hoot. Lol, it’s more like the big 6 oh or D’oh! I am now one of the Golden Girls.🤣🤣🤣 I am somewhere between Rose and the granny, Estelle Getty’s character in the Golden Girls on the Richter scale. I had a great day today but I take the age thing as no biggie. It’s just a number to tick off on our to do list as we stumble through life after all. So on with a new chapter of life, with  plenty of spark in me to keep everyone amused for another couple of decades easily. 

I don’t celebrate my birthday in the normal manner I prefer to celebrate nature and the spring season, and I feel lucky to be born in September to enjoy the seasonal change. What is one day compared to a season to celebrate after all? The flowers are beautiful and the birds are singing and there are fresh green leaves on the trees as they awaken from their hibernation. A fresh new world awaits us as every season and invigorates the soul. ❤️

My simple philosophy is just live and enjoy the splendour of nature in its glory, by getting outdoors and breathing in the air. Grounding yourself by standing or sitting in the garden with your bare feet on the ground and feel the earth energy coming up through you. This is what I did first thing this morning and the weather has been perfect. Thank you nature for making this day special. 

I am wondering what lies in store for the next ten years and praying that the years will be kind. After all the truly hard yards have been done. I will do my best to make life as peaceful as possible as I evolve into a wiser person growing older gracefully. Ok, well maybe not that gracefully 🤣🤣 because that just wouldn’t be me. I am more of a politically incorrect individual but with a good heart and a wicked sense of humour. So I think that I am more likely to lean towards being like the granny on the Golden Girls. So let’s see what happens eh? 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...