25 September, 2023

Tarot card of the month:October 2023, Knight of Swords


Key words: Direct, Blunt Authoritative, Overbearing Incisive, Cutting Knowledgeable, Opinionated Logical, Unfeeling

I don't particularly like this card while it has some good interpretations I always feel arrogance in this card. You know; the know it all type of individuals that you would rather not have anything to do with because they are so off-putting.

The Knight of swords generally depicts young people, generaly young men in their 20's and 30's.Where as the pages are teenagers of either gender. The Knight of Swords shows us the process of young people learning their roles in the world, such as their careers. Notice the symbolism of the card though.The card implies speed of thought and actions, it also governs the thought process, how one communicates to others and possible conflicts or clashes of mind sets. 

The horse in this card looks nervous under the control of the knight. Is the young man being reckless or is he confident in his actions? A strong wind is blowing in his direction as he rushed headlong into it. He is either brave, foolish or a little from collum A and a little from collum B. Notice his visor is up giving him a clearer panoramic view of what is before him.  He is wearing a full suit of armour giving him a level of protection in battle. He also has a firm grip on the reigns which tells us he is fully in control of the situation that he finds himself in. His cape represents secrecy and invisibility. The red plume on his helmet represents a quick intellect and a passionate temperament, this can also imply hot headedness. He is only wearing one glove which is on his left hand. We know that this is the passive hand and feminine energy. The glove represents concealment of power or a gentle power like soft control. His right hand is ungloved therefore nothing is hidden. He holds a sword raised ready to engage in battle, which shows us male energy which is a direct, penetrating and a forceful power. The right hand can also be seen as the future and the right hand as the past. The knight is also facing the west or left hand side, these are important points in interpretation of the tarot cards. 

A transformation is taking place as we watch in awe. This could well be a younger generation of world leaders stepping forward to take control. They may well be reckless and brutal and not as refined as their older counterparts. They do things their way; hot headedness and out to prove themselves with power and might. The spurs worn by the knight tells me not to take the issue lightly because this is about control and in some cases hard control.

Think a changing of the guard as the older leaders start to step down and hand a certain amount of power over to the younger leaders. I feel the older leaders are well aware that the younger leaders are not made from the same stuff as the older ones. But there is a hardness in these reckless young leaders.

Serious mistakes are bound to happen under their watch but these are not squeamish individuals, far from it. Skilled in double speak they use all the right buzz words however their actions are callous.

Reforms are being made that are not being done in  a positive way. Europe is heading into chaos as we watch. The reaction from the Eu leaders seems inappropriate and indifferent. We are now witnessing the beginnings of new restrictions of different sorts being implemented. What I do feel is these new leaders will be protected from the harsh realities that ordinary people will be exposed to.

Young people will start to have a reality check with this and will start to take to the streets in protest. Sadly things may not go in their favour, violent demonstrations never bring good results. A more skillful approach with a cool and calm intelect is needed rather than rash and headstrong reactions.

Smart people will not engage in protests, yet they may watch how it all plays out and will think more outside the box on a better resolution. Shops may well start to board up their windows in areas where there is poverty, war and violence. Shop keepers have had enough of people taking their actions out on them and their property. They are sick of being convenient targets for abuse by the masses. 

All of this has been brought about by violent individuals that have an agenda to destroy society. These individuals are not on the side of anyone, they are anarchists for the sake of it. That is all they are interested in and the ringleaders are owned, bought and paid for by enemies of peaceful people that just want to live a normal life. This is big money involved in a dark agenda one which has played out for centuries.

We are now seeing the cracks widening at a faster rate than we can deal with globally especially in the US, Britain, Europe, South America and the Asian pacific. African nations especially are now becoming tension points,  famine will raise its head again in Africa in a few regions which could also include where Wagner Group are contracted. Who is checking on Wagner Group? Warlords know that they can do anything they want at the expense of ordinary people. Expect more humanitarian work to be a challenge as the aid is unable to get through to where it is needed to assist the people. The International Red Cross may not be able to cope without military protection. Law and order are the main themes that will take us through to the end of the year at least. 

Animal justice becomes a major topic with ordinary people as people sre struggling to afford food and medical treatment for their fur babies. Medical treatment may be out of the reach of ordinary people, however do look into charities that are able to assist in your town or city. There are many around that are given donations to assist those in need. There are also places that work with complimentary medicine as well as conventional veterinary medicine. So do your research and you may be pleasantly surprised. 

Children seem to be struggling with stress in October, so please be vigilant with their needs and wellbeing. We are talking abuse, targeted bullying and violence. Children need to feel safe where ever they are and have the right to go to and from school without being subjected to violence and bullying. If you are in a position to take your children to and from school then do so. Children also need to be more aware of danger and have a safety plan in place. This may include talking to the school principle or a teacher, if they are afraid to walk home alone. No child should be made to feel afraid to walk home. Perhaps arranging for a nominated person to pick them up from the front office if they feel unsafe to leave the school grounds. 

Child safety comes first, a safety plan is a must do and it must be fully effective and taken very seriously by adults and the Education department. The other thing is traffic safety and children. Children must be repeatedly tested on road safety as part of their general awareness in a public place. This is the duty of parents to train their children with a common sense approach to road safety as well as stranger danger and situation awareness. Learn how not to make yourself a target for harm. This also applies to weekends  and traveling on public transport in which acts of violence are more frequent these days. You may wish to forbid your children going to certain places and point out the dangers of travelling at certain times of day and night. Risk management and risk awareness is needed to keep children and young people safe from harm. 

Thank you for reading my Tarot card of the month and stay safe. Warm and fuzzy hugs everyone


Psychic predictions for 2024 will  be posted at the end of October, One for the entire world and a seperate one for Australia.  

Sign of the times ⬇️


Trudeau is one of these arrogant young leaders, yet he doesn’t have the decency to act like a man and resign for his arrogance and insensitivity in this matter. To buck pass to the speaker tells us all we need to know about him. Never trust a leader that throws others under the bus it is cowardly and callous. 


Famine in Africa 


Animal abuse in China by the authorities 


Wes Penre: Q and A Session # 4 January 2025

  https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Q-and-A-Session-4%5EJ-2025.pdf Please read these comments carefully and you may need...