26 July, 2023

Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023


Spiritual message given in 22 July 2023

As I started to do the tarot card of the month for August this started to come through.

[Sic] Now getting down to the serious part, we, humanity are in spiritual crisis and needing help with world events. This is a critical time in human history and existence. One step the wrong way and we plunge into the abyss. This is not to the way to go, humanity needs a “correction” in order to function and exist before catastrophe strikes.

Yet few are willing to make the correction. Life is about to change yet again very soon;  if we head in this direction. There are factions of government around the world that are aware of this and are trying hard to avert war and the impending damage to humanity and the planet.

This has nothing to do with the “Green” agenda whatsoever, it is about evolution of the species and averting war at all costs. Money is crumbling as we speak and even though some financial crisis will be averted it is not enough for what we need. Time is drawing clear where the spirit world is watching (drawing closer) afraid of the harshness that will be unleashed soon, yet world leaders cannot agree on anything especially if there is a price tag.

But how do you put a price tag on life, human or other lifeforms? This needs a mother’s touch and a mother’s love. The rays of feminine energy need to reach earth to make a difference, yet the rays of love are too weak to penetrate this world.

Tears in heaven cannot prevent the bloodshed that is to come yet again to this world. Not enough love survives withing humanity due to greed and preoccupation with wealth and preoccupation with the self. Admiration is like a disease that ignores the plight of the soul. This pushes the human spirit to the side where greed, obsession and perversion takes hold.

The US is a classic example of spiritual decline with warfare, fame and focus on the self. Focus should be on helping others, focus should be on forgiveness of debt (spiritual or financial?) and power. Humanity will not survive unless urgent correction of the soul, spirit and mind are made.

This year alone death has taken over as the topic of news in this world. Not the focus of the rich and powerful damaging this world through greed, domination, and strife. This balance is way out of control. I doubt is can ever be corrected. Time is too short as it is yet nobody is interested that has the power to correct anything.

We pay a huge price in blood for the deeds of the few. This is the way of this world, but it was never to be the intention. Only when consciousness fell did this occur. Now the price of salvation is neigh impossible. This is not the message we want to hear or see played out, but it is played out globally for all.

I am sorry the vessel has been chosen to give the message to the world, but it is. This was in the contract when she incarnated, we love her dearly and forgive her sins.

Wow, we never thought this message would need to be given, forgive us all for what you receive. This is not our doing but the lords of time have had enough!

Don’t print this Alex, this is doom. Report carefully we will assist you, Alison (my daughter in spirit).

The card of the month is sweet and lovely, but do not show the world the gloom.Show them this instead. France will kick it up a notch with rioting uncontrolled, Macron has no idea how to deal with this. His time is almost over to serve, elections will be called sooner. He will step down.

The world is in turmoil yes, but it will recover. War is inevitable yet not final, we know survival will come, but you must go through with war and build a new world. This is the rules of this planet, war will come and war will go. What is left begins anew in cycles from the smallest ant to the biggest bridge. But that bridge must have support, you see this all through history. We do survive in spirit and soul and body, but not in hate and anger!

You must strive to protect what life you have because soon there won’t be a choice. So, act now and preserve all that flesh has to offer the soul. Money or gold does not help the soul nor does food, but you need food to survive in a world of greed.

We leave you now to your own devices, this message has been delivered.


NOTE: What am I to make of this? 

UPDATE: 21 October 2023. I found the original paper of this today, and I can't help wondering if this was a trickster spirit or entity. When I get messages while doing predictions, tarot card of the month etc. I sometimes just automatically zone out so to speak and the message comes through, I don't think the words that I write, it just happens. Now I usually assume that it comes via my higher self but there are times like this that I truly wonder what is really controlling psychic people.  I am aware that relatives work with me because I can see them but then things come through and it leaves me wondering who or what else is communicating with me.

I also find this disturbingly hypocritical because humanity doe not really have free will we are programmed prior to incarnating. Reincarnation is not to humanities benefit and never was. To understand this read article by John Lamb Lash, Cameron Day, Anton Parks and Wes Penre. That is just some of the researchers that are writting on what is really controlling human consciousness and this reality. These people provide a bibliography of their research that is verifiable.

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