01 July, 2023

One item of bedding has more bacteria than a toilet seat, according to a new study


Shock and horror! The deadly pillow slip! Most people have a shower every day including washing their hair. We also tend to wash the sheets once a week. I have never met anyone that doesn’t wash their sheets weekly. In Australia many tradesmen and especially builders have a shower every day after work. 

I don’t know if this is the same in other countries like the northern hemisphere nations but Aussies love a shower. Reading this article it sounds like scare mongering. Think of the size of the world population and how many people die from cooties. Many laundry detergent have antibacterial properties and the sun also kills bacteria on clothing and sheets. Failing that a dryer is going to take care of any nasty bugs or cooties 😃

People sleep in bed with their beloved dogs and cats too and there isn’t a problem. As long as our fur babies are free from fleas and the bedding is washed weekly then everything is fine. Think about poor countries and families that are often raised in the least healthy environments and survive. 


Caused by feaces 



When it comes to hygiene the past few years have had very little effect on people’s hygiene in public. People are going back to the same old habits. I for one am very particular about hygiene when I am out somewhere and coming home again. 

When it comes to antibiotic resistance there is olive leaf extract that is anti bacterial, anti microbial and anti fungal. Black seed oil (nigella sativa) is another option. 


Please read this and read the side effects by clicking on the little green box on the right. Always tell your doctor of your intentions to use any alternative medicine prior to taking it because it may interfere with medication you’re currently taking. You can also discuss with your pharmacist what natural supplements interact with your medication generally they are more likely to be aware of any potential effects of medication reacting with natural remedies. 

Ideally during and after a course of antibiotics you should always take a good quality refrigerated probiotic. Buy from a health food store and buy the refrigerator brands because they are the best to use. If in doubt ask the shop assistant for advice. I have been aware of the importance of taking probiotics since the mid 1980’s as I often frequented naturopaths and health food shops since I started working. 

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