22 July, 2023

Tarot card of the month: August 2023, Queen of Cups


Ok to kick this off, the element of water jumps out at me, as does Leo and the Sun.
As we know Leo is the sign for the beginning of August. Which is the ruler of the 5th House in the Zodiac wheel.

Human conscioussness is connected to water, emotions and spirituality all of which are covered by this card too. Joyful times in this months card are short and sweet, it is the last month of summer in the northern hemispheire and the last month of winter in the southern hemispheire.  Mother Nature  starts to put her harvest to bed for the  season in northern hemisphere and people are returning to work and school. This year though may be one of the last to enjoy in Europe before things get out of hand by 2025.

There is a bit of tension in the air in a few places, especially in France. France will kick it up a notch with uncontrolled rioting. Macron has no idea how to deal with this. I do feel sudden changes in law will be brought in, new laws put in place to curb violence and there will be more restrictions. 
I feel Macron will call an early election due to the current violence between the police and the public. I do not see Macron being reelected, I feel he has upset too many people. The public are not  forgiving when it comes to the actions of Macron and company.

Ukraine is still caught up in war and will be for a very long time to come. I feel Ukraine is out on a limb as they fight back against Russia. Russia can no longer rely on Wagenr group to pick up the slack either.   There will be a breakthrough in the fighting;  though the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia needs better protection, because there is a high risk here in reckless behaviour that may cause a leak. Not neccessarily intentional but through carelessness or negligence.Trying to cap this off may bevery difficult and this could mean evacuationg many people from the area.  

Football crowds get a bit overexcited in Europe, possibly in Madrid, Spain. I see crowd control to curb drunken behaviour on the streets will be put down. I see police getting injured by drunken fans, they could be from England. Barcelona is in the news also in connection to this. The weather is hot and over heated emotions fueled by alcohol which is never a good mix. 

Wembley is also in the news in August, there may be a new management contract for English teams with big money involved. New players signed up with phenominal wages. One of these men is a very big name in football. There is also an Australian connection to football in England. I see a man with light brown to fair hair wearing a blue and white football jersey. I hear the word striker. 

More food problems as prices rise again, supermarkets are trying to cap prices ( mind you they still make billions in profit). This does not fix the problem and people become distressed because they are trying hard to feed their families. I see chips (crisps) and lollies (sweets) in the spotlight and this could be parents having to restrict the amount of goodies that children can have and still afford nutritious food. The kids won't be happy unfortunatley. 

A sacked football player in the news, I see socks rolled up and the man thinking, he won't be needing them for a while. However this could possibly be a suspension or ban for a period of time.

New activities are needed for children to keep them amused is in the news. This feels like in Australia, bordem busters and how to entertain kids on a budjet. 

Water and emotions are in the news, Leo rules the start of August which as I pointed out at the start is the 5th house of the Zodiac and it influenced family, sport, children, creativity, amusements, the love that you give, love affairs, speculation and romance. which compliments the queen of cups card.

I feel there are a lot of goodbyes in August, this feels related to the end of summer fun and returning to school for the new term in the UK and northern hemispheire countries.  Young adults returning to college or univercity after the semester break.

There are a few tears in August but there is happiness also. This could be a big month for pregnancies or births. If it is pregancies then hello to Taurus babies. 

Ok peeps, have a wonderful weekend and have some fun in your lives.

Warm and fuzzy hugs

25 July, Mines found at nuclear power plant. 

Tears of sadness, Sir Michael Parkinson dies. Of course there have been many deaths of ordinary people in the world this month such as in Maui, Ukraine and elsewhere. 

Fukushima releases radioactive water into the ocean, I didn’t see this coming but it is connected to water. 

China, aggressive behaviour in South China Sea. (Water and emotions)

Football , this is a month out of sync but this happens sometimes. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

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