09 July, 2023

Robots say they won't steal jobs, rebel against humans


Interesting location for the event taking place, it reminds me of the story Frankenstein which part of it took place in Switzerland too. Not much of an article but it’s a definite Yeah, Nah for me. I don’t go in for stage managed publicity events that are desperately trying to up sell AI like a used car salesman. The words used are also ambiguous. Even the name SingularityNET that can be interpreted in several ways. Words can convey several different meanings to different people at the same moment as per design here. But nothing is coincidence here, this as you can see is guiding us into the singularity agenda and transhumanism. 

Notice the robots seem mostly female too, this is a subtle hint that women/motherhood is being pushed aside for a new creation that is against nature and creation. I am not meaning as is a biblical sense just the natural world as it co-creates biologically. 

For something to be created and patented it must be adhere to the laws and regulations set out as per the link below.


I did not miss the colours and other symbolism in the top photograph in the article because it stands out like a sore thumb to anyone with eyes that read symbols. That is the first things to look at in a photo or at important events, subtle symbolism is always there. To me it is what I expected to see 

Desdemona. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desdemona. Why use a name that means ill fated? 

Grace is a popular girl’s name in Scotland https://www.babycenter.com/baby-names/details/grace-1898#

Sophia (already mentioned on my blog). As in the goddess and aeon 


Genderless Ameca , the skin colour implies gender neutral. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ameca_(robot)

Grey in the tarot cards represents spiritual energy or the presence of spirit. It is also a neutral colour rather bland. As a name, Ameca in one translation can mean gift from god in Jamaican. You can keep this particular gift thanks! 

Interesting fact on the origin of the word Robot 


The Czech play that gave us the word Robot. If you remove spirit from humanity then you get a biological robot without any spirituality and compassion, love and respect for all life and spirituality. Therefore a being that doesn’t value life and individuality.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...