02 January, 2024

Happy New Year 2024; A Number 8 Year


Well here we are at the start of the year and it is a number 8 year or vibration. This is a year where all sorts of things will happen. Some of it will be good, some of it just ordinary, and some of it will be very distressing. It is important that we as Human beings really start to think about what it means to be Human and what is acceptable in our lives as we strive to be more spiritual and peaceful beings. Our Human rights and how we go about or daily lives in particular as well as our spiritual rights are not negotioable under any circumstances what so ever, and neither is our right to exist and exist and live in peace and freedom in our homelands. Our rights to earn a reasonable living that is actually sustainable to carry each of us in good health physically, mentally and emotionally throughout the entirity of our lives are also not negotiable under any circumstances. We must not ever lose our hard won rights, they must never be reduced in any way whatsoever.  

Now as I said this is a number 8 year, these are the meaings of the number 8 which also includes the astological meaning covering the 8th House of the Zodiac which is ruled by Scorpio and the planet Pluto. These factors will have an effect on everyone globally one way or another. And this is not taking into account other planets, asteroids etc that are present throughout the year ahead.

Pluto is what we must also be very wary of this year too because this planet is about destroying and rebuilding and fusion. This planet goes in cycles of 248 years and it rules crime, the underworld, even hidden worlds within ourselves (subconscious and submergedself),

It covers bacteris, viruses, it exposes that which was developed secretley or undercover. Kidnapping, isolation, coercion, dictatorships, unpopular causes, the exclusive, plumbing, waste, the masses,atomic/nuclear power, replication, think cloning and mass production alsofor replicating and of course printing/ publishing. And it also includes conception, whether its having a baby, an idea or a new business etc.

Starting with the basic meaings of the 8th House, sex,taxes, death, partner's resources,inheritance and regeneration.

In the Tarot the number 8 meanings are the following, but all of these apply to the number regardless of numerology, Astrology or the Tarot.

Resurection,regeneration, extension, distribution,complexity, adjustment,acknowledgement, error,direction control,restraint,efficiency,results of victory and changes, movement, reality,progress,prudence, redistribution. Poor judgement,spiritual progress,generosity, expansiveness.

Emotionally number 8 tends to be determined, entheusiastic, inspired.

So you see each number has positive and negatives because we live in a dualistice reality. This year is no exception yet we are now on a war footing as most people realise, how that plays out really depends on world leaders egos and what is acceptable behaviour of each of them.I can tell you that from 2025 to 2027 is the critical timeline for war starting, I would say that would be in the South China Seas and then build up to global.I have stated this in myy psychic predictions in recent years which can be viewed on my main blog and on this website's links to my predictions.  

 Both the Tarot and Astrology can give us the possibilities of any outcome in any situation, but nothing is truley written in stone because Human beings are unpredictable at the best of times and time is fluid. We live in cycles in this world there are multiple events within cycles and cycles withing cycles. Numbers and mathematics are also very powerful influences on the Human race too. Numbers and Mathematics make up the universe and all realities/dimensions.  So in a nut shell a number has so much happening that we dont normally think about. 

I hope you find this interesting and it may actually inspire some people to study numerology, Astrology and or the tarot. It is an exciting area to study even from  a psychology standpoint as some psychologists do indeed study these subjects to better understand the human mind and the human condition in many aspects.

Please live from your heart and live in peace because the results of not living in peace have massive ramifications on everyone around us.As the laws of cause and effect are incredibley powerful and often have unintended consequences that we don't seem to think about

Warm and Fuzzy hugs to everyone where ever you are

This is a cut and paste from my new website blog, which sits right down the bottom of the website.


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