10 January, 2024

WesPenre: Q and A Session # 1 January 2024


In regards to the maps being discussed, I recommend the book available as a pdf The world beyond the poles, by E Valentina Straighten. The book is on my blog under ebooks. It is in no way a new age book as it was written in the early twentieth century. She mentions Admiral Byrd and his experience in the Arctic and what happened to the men on the expedition with him. 

As for question 5, I personally have absolutely no time for gurus or life coaches etc, as you can see reflected in my blog. You are your own guru, saviour and whatever else you want. No one and nothing knows what is right for you. Listen to your heart and intuition these are there for a reason, use them or lose them. 

You must develop a strong sense of self in a positive way, confidence and wisdom comes from within, never from outside. Live your life your way and not what others tell you to believe in and live by. The only person that has the right to give you permission for anything is yourself, remember that.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...