29 January, 2024

Supporting patients through opioid analgesic discontinuations


This is going to be very difficult for many people in chronic pain and suffering from serious illness such as cancer. Pain clinics have a waiting period too. I have been waiting over a year to see the local clinic. And the stupid thing is, I am already doing the right things for pain relief. Heaven knows what I would do if I was in the condition some people are in. My husband has chronic pain too and has a condition that the doctor said is too dangerous to operate on. 

The arrogance of doctors and government officials that have never had to live with such pain and suffering is galling. Where is the compassion and empathy? What about human rights to have pain relief that is effective? If people just accept this then it’s on them because no one has the right to do this to anyone, it’s inhumane.

We are not talking about drug addicts on the streets, we are talking about people who are genuinely suffering. It’s no fun being in chronic pain and dying, yet are prevented from proper medical care. How many more drugs will be withdrawn after this lot? We need to know the answer now not later. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...