03 January, 2024

Has the mystery identity of the Cerne Abbas Giant been solved? Academics claim Dorset's 180ft chalk figure may depict Hercules - after centuries of debate over the landmark


The first thing that comes into my mind is an astrological point of reference. Just by clicking on the news article and seeing the picture. Having been reading metaphysical and mythological literature for 20 years I am very aware of the night sky and the mythological links.

To suggest Oliver Cromwell is utterly ridiculous how the hell can a mythology figure so ancient be connected to Cromwell of the 1600’s?  This is astrological and one needs to study the night sky map to see this and look at the names for each planet, constellation, star, asteroid, moons etc. The ancient scholars studied the night sky thousands of years ago and we are only now discovering how accurate they were thousands of years ago without modern technology to assist them. It was pure mathematics and observation of the night skies. Those astronomers were also astrologers too. These sciences were only separated due to the Catholic Church in modern human history, the 17th century in fact. Astrology is and always will be a science no matter what the Vatican says and does!

Human origins are said to be related to Orion, Sirius, the Dog Star; and the Dogon people of Africa know this from their mythology. The Dog Star or Sirius being very important in human history, mythology and astrology. And regardless of where on this planet you live, the night sky for astronomy and astrology has markers on the ground, such as Newgrange in Ireland, Stonehenge in England, the Giza pyramids aligned to the belt of Orion and Sirius. 

If you have a basic Planisphere (a double sided plastic disc showing both Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere), astrological software or astronomy software you can see the night sky mapped with the diagram of all the mythological creatures and the entire zodiac.  I have this software and I also put a link on my blog to download the Stellarium astronomy map of the night sky for anyone that’s interested. Astronomy is a good hobby to learn without doing the professional astronomer thing. 

There are many places around the world where the ancient people have mapped out the night sky and used it for astronomy as well as astrology for thousands of years. We nowadays have the luxury of technology that is incredibly precise down to seconds in the movement and the planets. These ancient people did it without technology, smart cookies huh. However astrology can warn us of events and how to deal with them as they arise. Hence the use of horary astrology that is favoured by world leaders since astrology was invented. 


The David Chandler Company, Planisphere easily purchased online. 

Happy reading and perhaps you may want to investigate this phenomenon yourself and get a real buzz out of it. It’s informative and very useful to navigate through life with this knowledge. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...