01 February, 2023

Neil Oliver: The clock is ticking


Australia is all set to go on this by the way. I have also mentioned in my posts that digital currency will be implemented within a few years. I don’t see any way of avoiding this and the frightening consequences. Notice Neil’s comment on not having a car in the years to come, that ties in with me saying that we will eventually not be permitted to take trips to the countryside and this excuse will be we are damaging the environment which is utter nonsense as nature regenerates and evolves constantly. 

Restrictions on travel would not be very easy to implement in Australia because of the sheer distance between places; so I would say this would perhaps be more effective in the UK, Europe and such countries but Australia is just so vast. 

The elite have always ruled our lives one way or the other it is just the way things are. Also there is very little free will in this reality; pretty much close to zero. We operate on a very narrow spectrum and much of what we experience here is locked in prior to us incarnating into a particular experience and minuscule leeway. This can be shown by an astrological chart on any individual on the planet. Everything  we experience is down to the family one incarnates into from our soul group, the time and place of birth etc. Not being an astrologer I can’t extrapolate on this, however I am about to take up studying astrology. After many years of procrastinating over it. 


Have a look at this just as an example there are two pages to read and then the questionnaire starts. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...