07 February, 2023

Back to Studying

 I have finally plucked up the courage to study astrology after many years. Self doubt got in the way, however when something is meant to be, it will keep making one keep on thinking about it until a decision is made. So now my studying has begun, a bit long in the tooth but at least I am taking the plunge. 

I have a lady in spirit that is around me to assist me. The mother of a relative through marriage was a professional astrologer and she was there when I started reading the Tarot cards and learning how to use my skills as a spiritual healer nearly 20 years ago. Suddenly she has returned to assist me in learning astrology. I am eternally grateful for the help she is giving me and so appreciative. 

Let’s hope that I can eventually add this to my services when the time comes. First I think I need to evoke Shepherds prayer, lol. Astrology is a lifelong study just like the tarot and its symbolism, even when a person is working in the respective fields there is always more to learn. That includes the history of the subject matter and of course symbolism, add the psychic abilities to this and you have a very powerful skill set. To be honest I should have started both at a much younger age but, when the time is right that is when the magic happens. Better late than never as they say. Wish me luck 🍀 

If you are thinking of doing either; of these skills my advice is just do it, follow your heart and don’t let others put you off. It’s your decision and your calling. Let no one tell you otherwise. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...