24 February, 2023

Wes Penre: Orion Q&A Session #4


This link is to the pdf version. I feel it is much better than watching a video format.

I don’t accept anything that Sam Vaknin comes out with and I don’t like his energy. It’s your choice if you wish to accept anything that he says. I will stick to my intuitive knowledge and personal experiences when it comes to spiritual experiences and what I know to be true. 

Also we humans are astrologically programmed, so when we are destined to awaken it will happen automatically and with the assistance of our natural curiosity. You cannot make anyone awaken, you are more likely to drive them away from you. Yes your vibrational frequency will be much different to your family and friends, that is just the way it is. 

You can still have regular conversations with people but don’t try to inform or influence others it has the opposite effect. Find common interests if you need people in your life but know that others are not astrologically programmed to be receptive or to awaken. There is absolutely nothing to be done about that. So don’t poke the bear otherwise you may be a point of ridicule or gossip.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...