26 February, 2023

Neil Oliver: Who do the leaders of Scotland and other western countries think they are ?!?


Read the comments in youtube format!

This is not just about Scotland, a once great nation with pride, self respect and a race that were respected around the world for their achievements, inventions and education and easygoing nature. Now that small country of 5 million people is an example in how to take control over a nation and destroy lives of the people. It seems that nobody has the courage or the inclination to stop this or demonstrate the willing ability to counter this destruction.

People should not have to be told this, it's so bloody obvious to anyone with a brain, yet it takes someone like Neil; to have to articulate this more than obvious situation. This is happening globally though and it is pretty damn  hard to miss, because it is so damned in your face and exactly the same in Australia and New Zealand. Neil has only touched on the basics here; not to mention this is an intergenerational process that started after WW2. I would  say that it's birthing was way back in the late 18th century and the 19th century's with the  upper middle-class and upper class intellectuals  such as   Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley hypothesising over good wine and fine food; on with form of communism would be ideal. 

This was global trendy ideology amongst the wealthy as this was the next great thing among the rich and entitled as was spiritualism. Remember these individuals had a better life than the masses and no way would they give up or share what they have; like the masses have in communist nations. No, it doesn't apply to them, these individuals have never soiled their hands in the hard labour of the workers. They are privileged and spend their time writing and pontificating. They just pay lip service to the masses and fill their heads with dangerous nonsense, firing the masses up. Yet it is the rich middle class that hold office in the communist parties and they swap the elected leaders with egocentric maniacs that destroy nations under the rouse of communism.  

We know how that turned out, but many people are so blind that they can't see it happening right now in western nations. It has been happening all my life in increments, as I said it's intergenerational. What the WEF are all about along with the UN and many world leaders is soft corporate communism. It matters not if it is Marxist, Trotskyist or Leninist or whatever. It is manufactured to suite the times, the culture and  agendas.

I have already said in another post that Sturgeon and Yousuf are protégés of Clause Schwab. There are hundreds of people under his influence. Not all are listed on the ngo, WEF website, but typing in politician's names in google search along with  WEF or Schwab and you will see those affiliated with him, including Ardern and Trudeau. They are in it for themselves and no one else. As is the Vatican and that is easily verified on the WEF website among a huge list of corporations. Of course the Vatican would be involved there is money to be made. 

The millenia old concept of  Communism was never the invention of the common working classes, they do not have the power, money or reach that the upper classes have. We know that for a fact never mind working people would never be able to set foot in a  university until the 20th century where these well educated individuals had the privilege of a good private education including Marx and Lenin. So wake up and smell the coffee, pay attention to what is happening around you. 

Yes, all the side distractions like gender identity etc, are ploys as are used by their useful idiots that rile up people to join stupid protests and disrupt public order. Communists lure people in by pushing the agenda of your rights, but once in power you become their target. Read Russian history  and see the murder campaigns and don't be so naive as to think life will get batter for the workers of the world, that has never been the agenda. How many rights that the early 20th century unions had fought and literally died for are now traded off to the corporations by union executives? Do you even know how many?

My maternal grandfather put his life on the line to help the working men in factories in Scotland. My father worked tirelessly in the unions to to help men and women that were unable or too afraid to stand up for themselves it has all been a waste of time because of traitors at high levels in bed with management, oh and then next thing these sellouts are in politics. How does that work? Classic self serving maggots.

 We are going backwards in less than a hundred years due to corruption and greed and being sold out constantly by these self serving high level union leaders. I have been a victim of that many years ago on a few occasions. Funny how the unions will only help when it suits them and the people at the top are biding time before they get a foot into a political party, and then they forget about those that helped them along the way over many years. This is about egos, money and power, not about making the quality of life better for the masses, not their income equality, not their quality of life, and not their health and education and retirement years.

 Factories need workers corporations need workers, Ka Ching.  Everything in this world revolves around money and the more the better for the ruling class; not to be shared with the masses that would be absurd. Understand that and watch the actions of the talking heads that try to influence your opinions.  Absolutely nothing is for the individuals benefit, nothing is for the masses benefit and never will be.

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