27 December, 2022

Neil Oliver:…..will we survive?


Pretty much sums it up right there. How on earth can people not work this out for themselves? It’s been bloody obvious for two centuries, and especially since the dawn of the twentieth century. The mass suppression of humanity by the ruling classes has always been there since the dawn of time. Including forcing us to accept their religions of suppression of the spirit and soul. Which causes trauma to the spirit. 

It also serves a purpose on a spiritual level. This keeps the mind occupied and suppresses our spiritual side from functioning. The more stressed and tired a person is from  poverty, financial problems, working full time and looking after the family, the less time to focus on our spirituality. I don’t mean religious beliefs, that is not the same and is incompatible with being a spiritual being or entity. 

 But what Oliver doesn’t know is; humanity astrologically programmed to go so far before we hit the reset button because of the cycles that control our reality. Understand there is no such thing as free will in this reality nor in the part of the perceived universe that we are currently aware of;  there never has been. This is an augmented reality no matter what you believe, learn how to break out of the encryption first or you will be stuck within this control system indefinitely. We are on the clock right now and with the clearing of the earth many souls will be sent the what the New Agers call the twin earth. In reality it is just another lockdown spiritually by the “gods” or overlords. 

A large population can survive on earth easily however the NWO don’t want that. The power elite will not turn over lands that they took nor will they give up their power and mass fortunes. This planet as I said is metaphysically a prison, where our spiritual energy is greatly reduced from what we are truly capable of.

This world was not set up for our advantage it was set up like a prison  to enslave humanity. Those of us with true spiritual soul fire present a danger to the overlords because we are stronger than they are spiritually. Most people just are totally unaware of their real potential as spiritual beings. Trapped in a locked and low energy dimension with our spiritual birthrights denied.  Think of this world like a faraday cage to entrap souls, understand that and things are different. 

A small population is easily controlled and enslaved. Artificial intelligence running the entire planet was always the intention. Suppressing our spirituality is vital to the agenda, as we are trying to raise our spiritual energy and awareness. The powers that be have known of this event coming for a very long time. This is why there is an urgency to their plans right now. But because the masses are indeed unaware of their spiritual ancestry and who they really are, they laugh at those that are aware. No matter; because they are walking into their extinction right now. No amount of warning will alter the facts, if one is not spiritually mature and even aware of the complex situation they are facing. 

At the 17: 15 mark, Neil mentioned how people were affected by the lockdown. That was a social experiment to see how people would react. It went like clockwork too. What people don’t understand is this was also the energy harvesting of loosh or life force that people give off especially when stressed. That energy is vital in keeping evil alive in the non physical world! Unless you are knowledgeable in this matter you would not even know this is real. Hence why people that are psychic or clairvoyant must use spiritual protection constantly to protect themselves from energy attacks and energy attachments. 

The ruling classes have always been very aware of the metaphysical world for thousands of years; this is part of their own spiritual practices which were always hidden from the masses. Yet to this very day there are symbols all around us that allude to this fact and the masses are totally unaware. 

Is life worth living these days? Apparently not, high suicide rates worldwide show that along with mass homelessness, poverty and stress we are all at breaking point. Nations are deliberately destroyed by the ruling classes and pushing people to the brink of despair and destruction. Millions of refugees are currently roaming the earth, soldiers suicidal because they were part of the shocking agenda to destroy nations at the behest of these rulers, and kicked to the kerb when they are discharged from service. Having done their slave masters evil deeds for them. What is the reward for those that served? Suicide! Broken men and women returned home to unemployment and homelessness, no one to help them deal with trauma and PTSD and some of the ex servicemen and women are denied a pension from the military. 

With the current events ramping up we are going to see much worse coming as well as world war. Stage managed by the ruling classes yet again and further suppressing our humanity and spirituality. But now comes the silent death. Artificial intelligence implants into every aspect of life or what passes for life now.

Medical technology breakthroughs will be offered to those that balk at euthanasia. These medical implants are artificial intelligence and programmed. Human DNA as we already know is programable, add to that the current nanotechnology in our bodies even prior to the current situation. Nano particles have been the human food and medicine for years. Most people are totally un aware of that. No matter though; it’s a done deal anyway. But the vaccines that we have been coerced into taking are DNA altering, making those that took the vaccines chimeras. Again it’s a done deal  the next step has still to be rolled out; what will that be I wonder. Elon Musk is really gung-ho for human being microchiped and is on record for saying this. 

Do you understand that you cease to be human at that point? Do you know who owns the new DNA in your body? You need to wrap your head around that one. If was young right now there is no way that I would bring a child into this world.  But humans don’t have free will, this reality and never have, because it is controlled  and humans are encouraged to incarnate in this lower vibrational frequency with promises of advancing spiritually and working out “karmic debt” Karma is an artificial construct and used to manipulate naïve humans. We have been schooled into believing this rubbish along with new age garbage funded by the CIA and think tanks since the 1960’s. Karma will only work if you believe it and accept it. 

How can you prove that you did or did do something in a life time centuries ago, when someone tells you that you killed somebody? You have no way of knowing whether you did or not, so why would you believe it? But if you believe that you did then you pay the debt. Brilliant scam that never fails to  entrap naïve souls. 

We know times are changing fast and the so called end of times scenario is being brought into human consciousness. This is to keep us in fear and make us compliant. The end of times is nothing but an astrological cycle. Currently though there is a push for people to accept euthanasia as an answer to their problems, especially mental health issues or if one has a long term health issue or disability. Canada is rolling this out now and targeting children as well as adults. Is this a rational and moral thing to do when there are medical and economic solutions to improve the quality of life? 

With the population shrinking as Neil points out, what will happen to all the houses, hospitals, businesses and our environment? Who will take control of all of this surplus? The ruling classes of course, they are the big consumers and polluters in the first place. The elite fear death, they fear the loss of power and wealth. They fear being accountable for their evil deeds too. They are fearful that they will be found out by the masses. That cat is already out of the bag though isn’t it? So they must resort to taking drastic measures to keep control of humanity for their own sake, not ours. We are made to fear China’s communism yet ignore western corporate communism reshaping our homelands currently.

One option that takes care of the problem is a gradual popular cull and infertility. Then the food must also be controlled and this is happening right now. Now remember that they started planting this information in the news before the pandemic had started telling us not to waste food, and now using false food shortages as an excuse caused by the war in Ukraine. Which has very little bearing on countries like Australia or Asian countries that can supply grains to others. Neither does the electricity, gas and oil from Ukraine affect Australia but it is being reported in the news along with power shortages. This is all just manufactured control and most people are starting to realise this. So now that the public are aware of this, then another tactic must be used, layer upon layer of control. 

All of this stress keeps humanity in a negative low frequency and therefore easy to manipulate. Keeping them cut off from their spiritual side. The split from our spiritual energy is the key here, this is vital to humanities survival. We are spiritual beings first and foremost, we belong in spirit not trapped in a never ending cycle of abuse and trauma that depletes our spiritual life force. The suppression of our life force and our psychic side is the silent  death knell once we make the move to transhumanism incorporating artificial intelligence into our bodies. 

People over the age of 50 are undesirable for this agenda, it is the children of the world population and those in their infancy right now that are the intended targets of this evil agenda. 

The euthanasia issue will become more noticeable in the media from now on. It will be presented as the right thing to do if we are old (define old) or have health problems , homeless or financially disadvantaged. When you are faced with this option you know that humanity is in great danger. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. 

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