18 December, 2022

It took over 30 years to happen!

I often tell clients give things time to happen and don't get a reading any sooner that three to six months. That is unless you want a different person to do a reading; to see if they say the same thing. It does take time for things to happen, life cannot be rushed. I had just that experience a few of days ago. At present my laundry is getting retiled by my husband a bit at a time due to his health restrictions and disabilities. So on Thursday disaster struck in my laundry and I was absolutely livid.

Hubby had not put the drain hose from my washing machine back into the drainage hole at the side of the laundry tub. I hadn't noticed until happened to walk in to the laundry only to be met with a tsunami of water being released from the washing machine all over the floor and into the hallway.

This house for some stupid reason does not have a floor drain in the laundry. The bathroom didn't have one either until our bathroom renovation was completed last month and the original bath tub didn't even have an overflow drain. I have never seen this in a house in Australia before. It should be a standard safety measure in a house or an apartment; at least it has been in any place that I lived in in Sydney. This house was built in 1974 and I have lived in houses or apartments older than that; that had a drain in the floor in both the bathroom and laundry obviously for allowing flood water to escape.  

Anyway this flood in my laundry I was told about in a tarot reading in Sydney over 35 years ago! Some things do take many years to come about, and this is the second long term thing that has happened in the past few years. I vaguely remember being told something else that I was told before I got married and that only happened after 20 something years.

Flooding is not the sort of thing that one looks forward to happening either; I am just glad it is over and done with now. Mopping up so much water took almost every damn towel that I own and then put them through the washing machine after that. Not a happy camper, the rain came along and it took almost two days to dry the towels.  Some things are just sent to try our patience grrr!!

I am glad of one thing, hubby put a painted membrane cover on the wooden floor boards a few days before the flooding or it would be days or weeks before the tiles were laid. Due to his health problems he has to take it very slowly so a few tiles at a time and then rest. I had the laundry from hell for 28 years because it is an old house and all the tiles had lifted. The adhesive that was used in the 70's is not as good as what is around today so it had all dried out to dust so my floor and wall tiles were falling off or lifting.  I have had an ugly, cramped laundry for quite a few years and if anyone was visiting me; I didn't want them to see the horrible thing that is my laundry.  Now it is going to have a new lease of life; but meh, it's still small. At least I can clean it easily clean it once the job is done. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...