06 April, 2022

The science behind puppy-dog eyes, and other ways our canines communicate with us ABC


Short and sweet article, but it doesn’t go far enough. Psychic people can and definitely do communicate with dogs on a telepathic level. Feeling their emotions and also knowing things like if the dog is outside and wants to come inside, a psychic person like myself will have a telepathic image of the dog sitting at the door waiting to come back indoors. Other things like wanting a treat is conveyed telepathically too, we see a psychic picture in our minds of the item that the dog wants. Usually the dog is looking directly at the person when the Image is detected. If the human is slow at picking up the signals the dog will stare at the human until the human understands what the dog wants. 

This depends on how strong the psychic link is between the human and the dog, but it’s not just dogs that do this cats do too and are much more psychic than dogs. A person that is in tune with their fur child does have that strong bond always. When I go out shopping or I am visiting someone I often get a psychic message from my fur babies asking me to come home. When I get in the door they are all over me to say they missed me; and that is dogs and cats greeting me at the door. It makes me so happy to be with them and life without fur babies is boring, I just love being with them. On the very rare occasion that I have been away overnight I fret for them, no matter how much I may enjoy that rare weekend trip to Victoria I miss my fur babies; but know they are in good hands with a family member. I phone home to ask how things are going of course and I know that my fur babies know that I am checking that all is ok and any medication is given. 

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...