07 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: Neil Oliver on Joe Biden and the 'new world order'


There you go, the "new world order" uttered again. Do you think they are deliberately making fools of the public? It sure looks like it doesn't it. Insulting the public's intelligence, sure why not; after all the public are too afraid to stand up and call this out because they are worried about what others think of them. 

 A thought criminal; oh no, gee who'd have thunk it? Hell I was still at school when this started, I remember it well. While the masses were distracted by the game called the cold war, this was carefully fed to us at school and in our homes. Here we are again playing the cold war crap but the game has been drastically change now. Here we are in 2022, so used to the thinly veiled communist plot with political correctness on steroids in all aspects of our lives and our children's lives for at least 50 years yet everyone just lets it slide. 

As for what Neil says on universities in Australia; don't get me started on Australian indoctrination centres pretending to be places of higher education known as universities. I have read for umpteen lecturers, students and admin staff over the years. I see what happens to those that don't obey the propaganda. Same deal in government departments and in public health. They are all made to fall into line with the agenda, smart people leave if they can; because they want to keep their dignity and self respect. How can one actually have self respect and dignity when bowing down to evil?

How can  the western world be so screwed up mentally and morally; that they can no longer think rationally and instead react like communist fanatics? They have been deliberately dripper-system programmed since the 1960's and 70's perhaps a little earlier. Those that made this possible are traitors to their nations, they should have been halted right at the start. But these individuals were under instruction from a very powerful hidden hand to destroy western nations from the inside. Hidden within the government systems and untouchable. Placed there I might add by a cabal of western men with a hatred of  western values. These individuals as I said were put in powerful positions deliberately to bring the nations down morally and economically at the beginning of the 20th century.  

Easy done when the masses watch mainstream tv "news" and trashy social engineering leftist ideology. Allowing themselves and their children to be fed propaganda, lies disguised as news and current affairs followed by  immorality for entertainment.. Down to the point that they have taught themselves to think anti western and the real culprits are untouchable. 

Politicians and those that serve banking, big business, the media giants and secret societies these are the true enemies of the western nations. Traitors to their own nations moral values, beliefs, laws and sovereignty. They are hell bent on destroying everyone and everything. But here is the kicker, they trained the masses to do it for them. 

Many of the public gladly do the bidding of these evil doers and that includes fake conspiracy groups leaders and being angry when told to be angry and protest violently on demand. Encouraging the public to applaud and imitate the perverse of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.  These people must be so proud of themselves to take joy in the destruction of their nations for a commy overlord and their own debasement.  Guess who will be held accountable for this subversion and wilful destruction of their homeland ? That's right the masses they accepted this and made no attempt to stop the evil doers, hell no, they were only too glad and expected reward for being such good bootlickers. 

Now just watch; war is coming next this is it; there is no turning back. This was all pre-planned by the same individuals; as most well read people are aware. This is where things will get frightening. If you think Ukraine is bad you ain't seen nothing yet. But try to work out who is the good guy and who is the real bad guy in all of this is almost impossible for the average person. That is the very difficult part, because the bad guys are on both sides of this, the media leads the public to the conclusions that they want the public to come to. We the public are innocent and naïve. But will be made to take a side in all of this as usual. 

Shortages of food, fuel etc is only the first step along with rates rising and poverty due to the rampant cost of living. These things go in cycles because this reality is designed that way. This is part of the enslavement of souls to keep people in the reincarnation cycle with spiritual debt. Spiritual warfare has always been in existence long before this world existed, but the worse a soul/spirit becomes the lower down in vibrational frequency they descend. Remaining there until they decide to change which can only be done via a spiritual awakening which is a slow process. 

This is all about money, resources and the enslavement of humanity and always has been. Divide and conquer has always been the main tool, but please don't forget there is always a spiritual component in this too and always has been. Communism is anti spirit and this is part of the agenda, like the left hand path of new age witchy poo and spell casting  satanic practices. But, if you are that way aligned then you are held accountable for doing so, no if’s or but’s. You will be accountable.

Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...