10 April, 2022

Neil Oliver: During covid much more has been taken from children than might ever be measured


Food for thought and a reality check. Make no mistake this covid-19 was a deliberate act. I will stand my ground on this; as I have always maintained this is a deliberate bioweapon; designed to harm the entire world and has multiple purposes. Both the US and China have blood on their hands with this. This was designed to bring about the global financial reset. That’s no conspiracy theory it is fact and more people are realising this. 

Our future’s have been taken from us, our children are denied a future with freedom and an education. Yet no one will ever be held accountable. No and in fact a war will be made to go global; to stop real questions being asked. Take that as a given, the US will make damn sure of that after all it’s what they always do even to their allies. 

The population cull has already started   and the masses are too dumbed down and trained by MSM to believe anything other than the official narrative. Control the narrative and you control the people, just like control the food and you control the people, Kissinger is on record for that famous speech in 1973. 

The Tavistock institute is one of the most diabolical re-education creations in modern history. Very few ever question their evil agendas. Read up on the social engineering experiments that they have been doing since their creation. The devil’s playground of unspeakable acts of abuse and willful destruction of civilised society. 

So what the hell are parents doing when all of this is happening?  Nothing because they don’t want to be out of step with the masses. Canada is one of the worst countries for pushing filth disguised as education. But hey parents let it slide in western nations by not objecting and not questioning this. Even my parents generation didn’t interfere when this was in the early stages. They would have felt that teachers know best and accepted everything. 

Our children born in the late 80’s and 90’s were the next generation to be exposed to more graphic sexualisation, yet how many parents objected? You want your kids screwed up? Many of the current kids will be suicidal no doubt about it. How many parents are actually aware of this, this abominable social engineering being taught to their children? Who picks up the pieces when these poor children have a full mental breakdown? Who will be accountable? 

Most people have not even worked out the fact that grooming is being taught in a covert way so that parents don’t notice. This has been going on for close to 20 years incrementally in a few countries. Has anyone ever bothered to look into the countries that want to make pedophilia legal (minor attracted)?  Then add the work in progress; the transhuman agenda on top of that, I have often seen transhumanism  thinly veiled in advertising and entertainment on tv, which keeps in with cosmic law. Which means the intention has to be revealed to the public. But if the message is obfuscated it still counts as us being informed. That way it doesn’t violate cosmic law. 

To do away with gender completely is the next step; then once that is in the bag the next step comes. Which they are already pushing, from genderless non binary to  you guessed it AI humanity. Et voila transhumanism; as in synthetic super intelligence. Unless people fight this humanity is over. Keep an eye on infertility over the next 20 years too. 

Much as I am not a fan, look through the archives regarding the sexualisation of children, Tavistock, pedophilia etc.  I have been aware of this stuff since the early 2000’s  and have watched the rapid growth of the psychological abuse and degradation of children and it sickens me to see very little being done to stop the filth peddling in public schools and on children’s tv shows and music. 

Let’s not forget the clothes that young girls are wearing and their parents don't see anything wrong with this. Clothes for boys any young men seem to be getting more effeminate. Even aftershaves are no longer the traditional fragrances and what man wants to smell like he is wearing ladies perfume? 

Children are the most precious thing on this earth and to see this degradation, abuse and the loss of their childhood, freedom and their parents rights to say no to anything that is deemed inappropriate for their children. Is it any wonder that Muslim nations are so anti western world. Don’t get me wrong, I do not approve of the way women are treated in some Muslim countries. We are talking about decency and moral values, these things are not negotiable when we are talking about protecting our children. 


Tarot Card of the Month: March 2025, Justice

  Law, Justice, Power, Leadership, Authority, Responsibility, Dictatorial Well here we are Lady Justice for March 2025 , not at all surprisi...